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[英]SQL Unique on join

I have an application where: 我有一个应用程序,其中:

  1. User has many applications 用户有很多应用
  2. Application has 3 different documents(one table per document). 应用程序有3个不同的文档(每个文档一个表)。 Application can have more than one document of each kind in some cases. 在某些情况下,应用程序可以具有一个以上的每种文档。

I need to be able to 我需要能够

  1. A user can have only one "approved" application at any point - Achieved 用户在任何时候都只能拥有一个“批准”的应用程序-已实现
  2. No document can be re-used across multiple applications belonging to 2 different users. 不能在属于2个不同用户的多个应用程序之间重用文档。

I am stuck on how to go about requirement 2. 我被困在如何执行要求2上。

Current Table structure: 当前表结构:

CREATE TABLE applications (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    user_id bigint NOT NULL,
    status character varying(255) DEFAULT 'pending'::character varying NOT NULL,
    active boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
    name character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
    email character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
    created_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT applications_status_values CHECK (((status)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['pending'::character varying, 'approved'::character varying, 'rejected'::character varying, 'archived'::character varying])::text[])))

An example of a document kind: 文档类型的示例:

    id bigint NOT NULL,
    value character(10) NOT NULL,
    status document_statuses DEFAULT 'pending'::document_statuses,
    extra_data json,
    verified_at timestamp without time zone,
    reject_reason character varying,
    application_id bigint NOT NULL

Taking a look to your model I think there is a concept error. 看一下您的模型,我认为存在概念错误。

You say: No document can be re-used across multiple applications belonging to 2 different users 您说:不能在属于2个不同用户的多个应用程序之间重用文档

So, this in other terms is that the document only can be re-used in any other app if the user is the same. 因此,换句话说,如果用户相同,则该文档只能在任何其他应用程序中重复使用。 So, we can go a high level and understant that each document has a user_owner, and while this document is used by this user all is correct. 因此,我们可以更深入地了解每个文档都有一个user_owner,并且此用户使用此文档时,所有文档都是正确的。

Then, what I suggest is the simple solution: 然后,我建议的是简单的解决方案:

ALTER TABLE pan ADD COLUMN user_id bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES user (user_id);

And then Update this field with the correct value. 然后使用正确的值更新此字段。 This will simplify your solution and also add a reference to the user that generated the document. 这将简化您的解决方案,并为生成文档的用户添加参考。

EDIT: 编辑:

Add this trigger, thills will call a procedure with the update sentence: 添加此触发器,thill将使用更新语句调用一个过程:

    CREATE TRIGGER t_document_owner
    AFTER UPDATE ON applications 
    WHEN (OLD.user_id IS DISTINCT FROM NEW.user_id) 
    EXECUTE PROCEDURE p_update_document_owner(NEW.user_id,OLD.user_id);

This is a basic proposal for the update procedure: 这是更新过程的基本建议:

CREATE FUNCTION p_update_document_owner(new_user_id,old_user_id) RETURNS VOID
SET user_id=$1
WHERE user_id = 
(SELECT user_id 
      SELECT user_id 
      FROM pan WHERE      
      )as aux

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