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[英]How to setup Artifactory to use https://maven.google.com as a remote repo?

I have an Android project that is being updated with a version of gradle greater than 3.0. 我有一个Android项目正在使用gradle大于3.0的版本进行更新。 Previously the gradle plugin was retrieved out of jcenter(), but now Google has moved it to their own repository. 以前,gradle插件是从jcenter()中检索出来的,但是现在Google已将其移动到自己的存储库中。

I want to setup the Google maven server as a remote server in Artifactory, but it seems like my Android project doesn't seem to be finding it at the google remote server that I have set up. 我想将Google maven服务器设置为Artifactory中的远程服务器,但似乎我的Android项目似乎不在我设置的Google远程服务器上找到它。

I need it setup this specific way because the company wants controlled builds to be reproducible in an offline manner that only goes to servers on the internal network and not to the web. 我需要它以这种特定方式进行设置,因为该公司希望受控的构建能够以脱机方式进行复制,该方式仅适用于内部网络中的服务器,而不适用于Web。 So just going to the google maven server in the future is not good enough per company SOP. 因此,每个公司SOP将来仅使用google maven服务器是不够的。

I have the remote setup as: 我的远程设置为:

URL: https://maven.google.com
Repository Layout: maven-2-default
Repository Layout Mapping: maven-2-default

Do I need to be using the latest version of artifactory as I am currently on 4.9.0. 我是否需要使用最新版本的人工制品,因为我目前在4.9.0上。 I would have to go through the IT group at the company to upgrade the version, so that is why I haven't make it my first option. 我必须经过公司的IT小组来升级版本,所以这就是为什么我没有将其作为首选。

Thanks! 谢谢!

https://maven.google.com Redirects to https://dl.google.com/dl/android/maven2/index.html , but Artifactory raise an error 404, you need config https://dl.google.com/dl/ in the remote repo https://maven.google.com重定向到https://dl.google.com/dl/android/maven2/index.html ,但是Artifactory引发错误404,您需要配置https://dl.google.com / dl /在远程仓库中

Best regards. 最好的祝福。


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