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[英]Jenkins pipeline stage with variable in string parameter

I need to pass a variable into a string parameter from another job . 我需要将变量传递给另一个作业的字符串参数。 I have the parameterised string variable as entaClient . 我将参数化的字符串变量设置为entaClient See taskFilterName & tasksGroup 请参阅taskFilterNametasksGroup

How do I get this to work? 我该如何工作?

stage('Restart the Enta API') {
    steps {
        script {
            if (params.hotReload.contains('Hot Reload')) {
                build(job: 'Hot Reload (utility)',
                    parameters: [
                        string(name: 'region', value: params.region),
                        string(name: 'cluster', value: params.cluster),
                        string(name: 'taskFilterName', value: enta-${entaClient}-dev-api-),
                        string(name: 'tasksGroup', value: enta-${entaClient}-dev-api-a,enta-${entaClient}-dev-api-b,
                        string(name: 'containerInstanceIdsToStartOn', value: params.containerInstanceIdsToStartOn)


string(name: 'taskFilterName', value: "enta-${entaClient}-dev-api-")

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