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[英]React Native Touchable Opacity Issue

I am trying to create a Button/Icon Component updates icon image based on the url I am linking the user to. 我正在尝试基于将用户链接到的URL创建按钮/图标组件更新图标图像。 For example I have a movie object and I want to link users to imdb and rotten tomatoes. 例如,我有一个电影对象,我想将用户链接到imdb和烂番茄。 I want that component to show the icon for rotten tomatoes when linking the rotten tomatoes deep link and the imdb icon when linking imdb url. 我希望该组件在链接烂番茄深链接时显示烂番茄图标,而在链接imdb url时显示imdb图标。

I am rendering the data from an array. 我正在从数组渲染数据。 For example: 例如:

const Movie = [
{ key: 1,
tile: Good Will Hunting
url1: 'http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119217/?ref_=nv_sr_1',
url2: 'https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/good_will_hunting'

     <TouchableOpacity onPress={this._handleOpenWithLinkingUrlOne}>
                    source={require("url one icon")}

       <TouchableOpacity onPress={this._handleOpenWithLinkingUrlTwo}>
                    source={require("url two icon")}

    _handleOpenWithLinkingUrlOne = () => {
        Linking.openURL("data from url two");
    _handleOpenWithLinkingUrlTwo = () => {
        Linking.openURL("data from url two");


How can I pull the data from the object to both so it renders the data? 如何将数据从对象中拉到两者,以便它呈现数据?

您可以将数据设置为状态,然后在图像组件上使用source={{uri: this.state.movie.uri1}}source={{uri: this.state.movie.uri2}}

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