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[英]PowerShell run bat from location on my computer on remote computer

I need to run a BAT file on some servers Because of the amount of many servers I avoid copying the file on any server 我需要在某些服务器上运行BAT文件由于有许多服务器,因此我避免在任何服务器上复制文件

I have the file on my computer and I try to access it remotely 我的计算机上有文件,我尝试远程访问它

$CMDCOMMAND = "\\Mycomp\c$\file.bat"    
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Hostname -Credential $Cred -ScriptBlock {
    Start-Process cmd.exe "/c $CMDCOMMAND
Invoke-Command -Computer $Hostname -Credential $Cred -FilePath $CMDCOMMAND

should work as @Ansgar Wiechers mentioned. 应该像@Ansgar Wiechers提到的那样工作。

I doubt you have set $CMDCOMMAND = "\\\\Mycomp\\c$\\file.bat" and tried. 我怀疑您已设置$CMDCOMMAND = "\\\\Mycomp\\c$\\file.bat"并尝试过。 It should be local path when you pass it to -FilePath 传递给-FilePath时,它应该是本地路径

$CMDCOMMAND = "c:\file.bat"

Invoke-Command does not work with a variable defined outside the ScriptBlock. Invoke-Command不适用于在ScriptBlock外部定义的变量。 You need to use the ArgumentList parameter. 您需要使用ArgumentList参数。 Something like this should work, although I have not tested it: 像这样的东西应该可以工作,尽管我还没有测试过:

$CMDCOMMAND = "\\Mycomp\c$\file.bat"    
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Hostname -Credential $Cred -ScriptBlock {
param($ARGLIST) Start-Process cmd.exe "/c $ARGLIST" 
} -ArgumentList $CMDCOMMAND


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