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[英]Mutate data frame via function in R

Sorry for the basic question, but I could not find an example in this forum to solve this question. 对不起这个基本问题,但是我找不到这个论坛中的示例来解决这个问题。 I've tried this one and this one . 我已经试过这一个 ,这一个

I want to change / create a new variable in my data.frame via function in R and tidyverse: 我想通过R和tidyverse中的函数在data.frame中更改/ 创建一个新变量

Example: 例:

crivo <- function(x) {
  x <<- x %>% 
    mutate(resp_1 = if_else(MEMO_RE01 == 0,"VN","FP")) %>% 
    mutate(resp_2 = if_else(MEMO_RE02 == 1,"VP","FN"))

My data.frame name is "memo_re" , but I'll use this function to other datasets as well, just by changing the x argument. 我的data.frame名称是“ memo_re” ,但是我也将通过更改x参数将此函数也用于其他数据集。 R is creating a new data.frame named x instead of creating a new variable in "memor_re" (original dataset). R正在创建一个名为x的新data.frame,而不是在“ memor_re”(原始数据集)中创建一个新变量。 In other words, I want to assign a function to do that: 换句话说,我想分配一个函数来做到这一点:

memo_re <- memo_re %>% mutate(resp_1 = if_else(MEMO_RE01 == 0,"VN","FP"))

But I need to change many datasets and because of that, I want to be able to specify which dataset I'll change. 但是我需要更改许多数据集,因此,我希望能够指定要更改的数据集。

reproducible code 可复制的代码

memo_re <- data.frame(MEMO_RE01=rep(c(0,1),100), MEMO_RE02=c(0,1))

crivo <- function(x) {
  x <<- x %>% 
    mutate(resp_1 = if_else(MEMO_RE01 == 0,"VN","FP")) %>% 
    mutate(resp_2 = if_else(MEMO_RE02 == 1,"VP","FN"))

R is doing exactly what you've asked it to do. R确实在执行您要求的操作。 In your crivo function definition, you've written your function to assign the new data frame you've created called x to the R environment. 在您的crivo函数定义中,您已经编写了要创建的新数据框x分配给R环境的x That's what the <<- operator does. 这就是<<-运算符的作用。 After running your code, use ls() to see what's in your environment, then look at x . 运行代码后,使用ls()查看环境中的内容,然后查看x You'll see everything is there, just as you've asked it to be, including the correctly mutate x dataframe. 正如您所要求的那样,您将看到所有内容,包括正确变异的x数据框。

> memo_re <- data.frame(MEMO_RE01=rep(c(0,1),100), MEMO_RE02=c(0,1))
> crivo <- function(x) {
+   x <<- x %>% 
+     mutate(resp_1 = if_else(MEMO_RE01 == 0,"VN","FP")) %>% 
+     mutate(resp_2 = if_else(MEMO_RE02 == 1,"VP","FN"))
+ }
> crivo(memo_re)
> ls()
[1] "crivo"   "memo_re" "x"      
> head(x)
  MEMO_RE01 MEMO_RE02 resp_1 resp_2
1         0         0     VN     FN
2         1         1     FP     VP
3         0         0     VN     FN
4         1         1     FP     VP
5         0         0     VN     FN
6         1         1     FP     VP

Now, if you wanted to have crivo() return something that you could then assign any name you wanted, you should use 现在,如果您想让crivo()返回某些内容,然后可以分配您想要的任何名称,则应该使用

crivo <- function(x) {
  x %>% 
    mutate(resp_1 = if_else(MEMO_RE01 == 0,"VN","FP"), 
           resp_2 = if_else(MEMO_RE02 == 1,"VP","FN"))

Note that I haven't used the <<- operator anywhere. 请注意,我在任何地方都没有使用<<-运算符。 As a result, the crivo fx will be returning the mutated x dataframe so that you could do 结果, crivo fx将返回变异的x数据帧,以便您可以

new <- memo_re %>% crivo()

This way, you can pipe anything you want to crivo and assign it to any new variable. 这样,您就可以通过管道crivo任何想要crivo并将其分配给任何新变量。 Alternatively, if you just wanted to call the function on memo_re , you can do that too: 另外,如果您只想在memo_re上调用该函数,也可以这样做:

memo_re <- memo_re %>% crivo()

Note that the "classic" way to write a function is to use return() to specify what you want a fx to return. 请注意,编写函数的“经典”方法是使用return()来指定您希望fx返回的内容。 If you don't use return() (as I haven't above), R will return whatever is in the last line. 如果您不使用return() (如上所述), R将返回最后一行中的任何内容。 Here, it's just the mutate dataframe. 在这里,这只是变异数据框。

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