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[英]Extract 2 words in any order

I would like to extract cat and dog in any order 我想以任何顺序提取猫和狗

string1 <- "aasdfadsf cat asdfadsf dog"
string2 <- "asfdadsfads dog asdfasdfadsf cat"

What I have now extracts cat and dog, but also the text in-between 我现在提取的是猫和狗,还有两者之间的文字

stringr::str_extract(string1, "cat.*dog|dog.*cat"

I would like the output to be 我希望输出是

cat dog


dog cat

for string1 and string2, respectively 分别用于string1和string2

You may use sub with the following PCRE regex: 您可以将sub与以下PCRE正则表达式一起使用:


See the regex demo . 参见regex演示

Details 细节

  • .* - any 0+ chars other than line break chars (to match all chars add (?s) at the pattern start) .* -除换行符以外的任何0+个字符(以匹配所有字符,在模式开始处添加(?s)
  • (?|(dog).*(cat)|(cat).*(dog)) - a branch reset group (?|...|...) matching either of the two alternatives: (?|(dog).*(cat)|(cat).*(dog)) -匹配两个选项之一的分支重置组(?|...|...)
    • (dog).*(cat) - Group 1 capturing dog , then any 0+ chars as many as possible, and Group 2 capturing cat (dog).*(cat) -组1捕获dog ,然后尽可能多的0+个字符,组2捕获cat
    • | - or - 要么
    • (cat).*(dog) - Group 1 capturing cat , then any 0+ chars as many as possible, and Group 2 capturing dog (in a branch reset group, group IDs reset to the value before the group + 1) (cat).*(dog) -组1捕获cat ,然后尽可能多的0+个字符,以及组2捕获dog (在分支重置组中,组ID重置为组+ 1之前的值)
  • .* - any 0+ chars other than line break chars .* -除换行符外的任何0+个字符

The \\1 \\2 replacement pattern inserts Group 1 and Group 2 values into the resulting string (so that the result is just dog or cat , a space, and a cat or dog ). \\1 \\2替换模式将Group 1和Group 2的值插入到结果字符串中(这样,结果就是dogcat ,一个空格以及catdog )。

See an R demo online , too: 也可以在线观看R演示

x <- c("aasdfadsf cat asdfadsf dog", "asfdadsfads dog asdfasdfadsf cat")
sub(".*(?|(dog).*(cat)|(cat).*(dog)).*", "\\1 \\2", x, perl=TRUE)
## => [1] "cat dog" "dog cat"

To return NA in case of no match, use a regex to either match the specific pattern, or the whole string, and use it with gsubfn to apply custom replacement logic: 要在不匹配的情况下返回NA ,请使用正则表达式匹配特定模式或整个字符串,并将其与gsubfn配合gsubfn以应用自定义替换逻辑:

> gsubfn("^(?:.*((dog).*(giraffe)|(giraffe).*(dog)).*|.*)$", function(x,a,b,y,z,i) ifelse(nchar(x)>0, paste0(a,y," ",b,z), NA), x)
[1] "NA" "NA"
> gsubfn("^(?:.*((dog).*(cat)|(cat).*(dog)).*|.*)$", function(x,a,b,y,z,i) ifelse(nchar(x)>0, paste0(a,y," ",b,z), NA), x)
[1] "cat dog" "dog cat"

Here, 这里,

  • ^ - start of the string anchor ^ -字符串锚点的开始
  • (?:.*((dog).*(cat)|(cat).*(dog)).*|.*) - a non-capturing group that matches either of the two alternatives: .*((dog).*(cat)|(cat).*(dog)).* : (?:.*((dog).*(cat)|(cat).*(dog)).*|.*) -与两个选项之一匹配的非捕获组.*((dog).*(cat)|(cat).*(dog)).*
    • .* - any 0+ chars as many as possible .* -尽可能多的0个字符
    • ((dog).*(cat)|(cat).*(dog)) - a capturing group matching either of the two alternatives: ((dog).*(cat)|(cat).*(dog)) -与两个选项之一匹配的捕获组
      • (dog).*(cat) - dog (Group 2, assigned to a variable), any 0+ chars as many as possible, and then cat (Group 3, assigned to b variable) (dog).*(cat) - dog (第2组,分配给a变量),任何0+字符尽可能多,然后cat (第3组,分配给b变量)
      • |
      • (cat).*(dog) - dog (Group 4, assigned to y variable), any 0+ chars as many as possible, and then cat (Group 5, assigned to z variable) (cat).*(dog) dog (第4组,分配给y变量),尽可能多的0个字符,然后cat (第5组,分配给z变量)
    • .* - any 0+ chars as many as possible .* -尽可能多的0个字符
      • | - or - 要么
      • .* - any 0+ chars .* -任何0+个字符
  • $ - end of the string anchor . $ -字符串锚点的结尾。

The x in the anonymous function represents the Group 1 value that is "technical" here, we check if the Group 1 match length is not zero with nchar , and if it is not empty we replace with the custom logic, and if the Group 1 is empty, we replace with NA . 匿名函数中的x表示此处的“技术”组1值,我们用nchar检查组1的匹配长度是否不为零,如果不为空,则用自定义逻辑替换,如果组1为空,我们用NA代替。

We can use str_extract_all from the package with capture groups. 我们可以使用str_extract_all包捕获组。

string1 <- "aasdfadsf cat asdfadsf dog"
string2 <- "asfdadsfads dog asdfasdfadsf cat"
string3 <- "asfdadsfads asfdadsfadf"

str_extract_all(c(string1, string2, string3), pattern = "(dog)|(cat)")
# [[1]]
# [1] "cat" "dog"
# [[2]]
# [1] "dog" "cat"
# [[3]]
# character(0)

We can also set simplify = TRUE . 我们还可以设置simplify = TRUE The output would be a matrix. 输出将是一个矩阵。

str_extract_all(c(string1, string2, string3), pattern = "(dog)|(cat)", simplify = TRUE)
#       [,1]  [,2] 
# [1,] "cat" "dog"
# [2,] "dog" "cat"
# [3,] ""    ""  

Or, 要么,

> regmatches(string1,gregexpr("cat|dog",string1))
[1] "cat" "dog"

> regmatches(string2,gregexpr("cat|dog",string2))
[1] "dog" "cat"

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