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[英]Points which has the same date are placed to the different places at X-axis (X-axis is a date axis)

The problem: 问题:

Points which has the same date are placed to the different places at X-axis (X-axis is a date axis). 日期相同的点在X轴(X轴是日期轴)上放置在不同的位置。

http://icecream.me/b8388ef9e8d80e3a55dc546cd61187d9 http://icecream.me/b8388ef9e8d80e3a55dc546cd61187d9

Here are AmCharts settings: 以下是AmCharts设置:

                            AmCharts.makeChart("dashboard-chart", {
                                "type": "serial",
                                "theme": "light",
                                "equalSpacing": true,
                                "dataProvider": chartData,
                                "valueAxes": valueAxes,
                                "graphs": graphs,
                                "categoryField": "captured_datetime",
                                'chartCursor': {
                                    'cursorPosition': 'mouse',
                                    'cursorColor': '#ffa500',
                                    "valueLineBalloonEnabled": true,
                                    "valueLineEnabled": true,
                                "categoryAxis": {
                                    "gridPosition": "middle",
                                    "labelRotation": 75,
                                    "minorGridEnabled": true

                                "responsive": {
                                    "enabled": true

Incoming data looks like this: 传入数据如下所示:

      "captured_datetime":"2018-02-01 19:31:33",
      "captured_datetime":"2018-02-01 19:31:33",
      "captured_datetime":"2018-02-01 19:33:13",
      "captured_datetime":"2018-02-01 19:33:13",

Graph example: 图表示例:

                                            "balloonText": "Sensor name: [[node_name]] <br> Sensor id: [[nd]] <br> Sensor value:[[value]]<br> Sensor type: [[sensor_type]]<br>  Collecting date: [[captured_datetime]] <br>",
                                            "bullet": "round",
                                            "lineColor": "#000000",
                                            "bulletSize": 3,
                                            "fillAlphas": types[i].indexOf("TM") >= 0 ? 1 : 0,
                                            "type": types[i].indexOf("TM") >= 0 ? "column" : "smoothedLine",
                                            "labelPosition": "right",
                                            "valueField": "value" + types[i],
                                            "fixedColumnWidth": 10

Tried to use parseDates with following parameters ( but it didn`t help ): 尝试使用带有以下参数的parseDates( 但没有帮助 ):


Added following settings to a chart (which didn`t helped either): 在图表中添加了以下设置(也没有帮助):

"dataDateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS", "equalSpacing": true,

You still have to group your data as I mentioned in my last answer . 正如我在上一个答案中提到的那样,您仍然必须对数据进行分组。 The issue you're seeing there is what I meant by other odd behavior. 您看到的问题是我所说的其他奇怪行为。 If you can't group your data in your backend, then do it in JavaScript. 如果您无法在后端对数据进行分组,请使用JavaScript进行。 You also need to make sure that your dates are sorted in ascending order: 您还需要确保日期按升序排序:

// data remap:
var datetime_hash = {};
var types = {};
data.forEach(function(item, idx) {
    if (!datetime_hash.hasOwnProperty(item.captured_datetime)) {
        datetime_hash[item.captured_datetime] = {};
    var suffix = item.sensor_type + item.node_id;
    types[suffix] = 1;
    datetime_hash[item.captured_datetime]["sensor_type" + suffix] = item.sensor_type;
    datetime_hash[item.captured_datetime]["node_name"] = item.node_name;
    datetime_hash[item.captured_datetime]["node_id"] = item.node_id;
    datetime_hash[item.captured_datetime]["nd"] = item.nd;
    datetime_hash[item.captured_datetime]["value" + suffix] = item["value" + suffix];
    datetime_hash[item.captured_datetime]["captured_datetime"] = item.captured_datetime;
//sort/remap hash data into an array
var chartData = Object.keys(datetime_hash).sort(function(lhs, rhs) {
  //ensure the dates are sorted in ascending order
  var lhsDate = AmCharts.stringToDate(lhs, "YYYY-MM-DD JJ:NN:SS");
  var rhsDate = AmCharts.stringToDate(rhs, "YYYY-MM-DD JJ:NN:SS");
  return lhsDate - rhsDate;
}).map(function(datetime) {
  return datetime_hash[datetime];

// updated graph creation code:
types = Object.keys(types);
var graphs = types.map(function(type) {
    return {
            "balloonText": "Sensor name: [[node_name]] <br> Sensor id: [[nd]] <br> Sensor value:[[value]]<br> Sensor type: [[sensor_type" + type + "]]<br>  Collecting date: [[captured_datetime]] <br>",
            "bullet": "round",
            "lineColor": "#000000",
            "bulletSize": 3,
            "fillAlphas": type.indexOf("TM") >= 0 ? 1 : 0,
            "type": type.indexOf("TM") >= 0 ? "column" : "smoothedLine",
            "labelPosition": "right",
            "valueField": "value" + type,
            "fixedColumnWidth": 10

In case you want to parse dates (and you should), you have to set the dataDateFormat at the top level of the makeChart call and equalSpacing , minPeriod , parseDates inside the categoryAxis . 如果要解析日期(并且应该解析),则必须在makeChart调用的顶层设置minPeriodparseDatescategoryAxis内设置minPeriodparseDatesequalSpacing

Demo with additional dummy data: 带有其他虚拟数据的演示:

 var data = [{ "valueTM1680": 24.9, "nd": 1, "node_name": "Internal", "sensor_type": "TM", "node_id": 1680, "captured_datetime": "2018-01-01 00:00:00" }, { "nd": 1, "node_name": "Internal", "sensor_type": "HU", "node_id": 1680, "valueHU1680": 39.9, "captured_datetime": "2018-01-01 00:00:00" }, { "valueTM1680": 22.3, "nd": 1, "node_name": "Internal", "sensor_type": "TM", "node_id": 1680, "captured_datetime": "2018-01-01 00:00:05" }, { "nd": 1, "node_name": "Internal", "sensor_type": "HU", "node_id": 1680, "valueHU1680": 37.8, "captured_datetime": "2018-01-01 00:00:05" }, { "valueTM1680": 20.1, "nd": 1, "node_name": "Internal", "sensor_type": "TM", "node_id": 1680, "captured_datetime": "2018-01-01 00:00:24" }, { "nd": 1, "node_name": "Internal", "sensor_type": "HU", "node_id": 1680, "valueHU1680": 36.0, "captured_datetime": "2018-01-01 00:00:24" }, { "valueTM1680": 24.8, "nd": 1, "node_name": "Internal", "sensor_type": "TM", "node_id": 1680, "captured_datetime": "2018-01-01 00:00:43" }, { "nd": 1, "node_name": "Internal", "sensor_type": "HU", "node_id": 1680, "valueHU1680": 38.8, "captured_datetime": "2018-01-01 00:00:43" }, { "valueTM1680": 24.7, "nd": 1, "node_name": "Internal", "sensor_type": "TM", "node_id": 1680, "captured_datetime": "2018-01-01 00:00:57" }, { "nd": 1, "node_name": "Internal", "sensor_type": "HU", "node_id": 1680, "valueHU1680": 38.8, "captured_datetime": "2018-01-01 00:00:57" }, { "valueTM1680": 24.7, "nd": 1, "node_name": "Internal", "sensor_type": "TM", "node_id": 1680, "captured_datetime": "2018-01-01 00:01:07" }, { "nd": 1, "node_name": "Internal", "sensor_type": "HU", "node_id": 1680, "valueHU1680": 37.9, "captured_datetime": "2018-01-01 00:01:07" }, { "valueTM1680": 24.6, "nd": 1, "node_name": "Internal", "sensor_type": "TM", "node_id": 1680, "captured_datetime": "2018-01-01 00:01:21" }, { "nd": 1, "node_name": "Internal", "sensor_type": "HU", "node_id": 1680, "valueHU1680": 37.3, "captured_datetime": "2018-01-01 00:01:21" }, { "valueTM1680": 23.8, "nd": 1, "node_name": "Internal", "sensor_type": "TM", "node_id": 1680, "captured_datetime": "2018-01-01 00:01:34" }, { "nd": 1, "node_name": "Internal", "sensor_type": "HU", "node_id": 1680, "valueHU1680": 36.4, "captured_datetime": "2018-01-01 00:01:34" }, { "valueTM1680": 20.3, "nd": 1, "node_name": "Internal", "sensor_type": "TM", "node_id": 1680, "captured_datetime": "2018-01-01 00:01:47" }, { "nd": 1, "node_name": "Internal", "sensor_type": "HU", "node_id": 1680, "valueHU1680": 37.9, "captured_datetime": "2018-01-01 00:01:47" }, { "valueTM1680": 21.8, "nd": 1, "node_name": "Internal", "sensor_type": "TM", "node_id": 1680, "captured_datetime": "2018-01-01 00:02:01" }, { "nd": 1, "node_name": "Internal", "sensor_type": "HU", "node_id": 1680, "valueHU1680": 37.3, "captured_datetime": "2018-01-01 00:02:01" } ] //remap data var datetime_hash = {}; var types = {}; data.forEach(function(item, idx) { if (!datetime_hash.hasOwnProperty(item.captured_datetime)) { datetime_hash[item.captured_datetime] = {}; } var suffix = item.sensor_type + item.node_id; types[suffix] = 1; datetime_hash[item.captured_datetime]["sensor_type" + suffix] = item.sensor_type; datetime_hash[item.captured_datetime]["node_name"] = item.node_name; datetime_hash[item.captured_datetime]["node_id"] = item.node_id; datetime_hash[item.captured_datetime]["nd"] = item.nd; datetime_hash[item.captured_datetime]["value" + suffix] = item["value" + suffix]; datetime_hash[item.captured_datetime]["captured_datetime"] = item.captured_datetime; }); //sort/remap hash data into an array var chartData = Object.keys(datetime_hash).sort(function(lhs, rhs) { //ensure the dates are sorted in ascending order var lhsDate = AmCharts.stringToDate(lhs, "YYYY-MM-DD JJ:NN:SS"); var rhsDate = AmCharts.stringToDate(rhs, "YYYY-MM-DD JJ:NN:SS"); return lhsDate - rhsDate; }).map(function(datetime) { return datetime_hash[datetime]; }); //create graphs types = Object.keys(types); var graphs = types.map(function(type) { return { "balloonText": "Sensor name: [[node_name]] <br> Sensor id: [[nd]] <br> Sensor value:[[value]]<br> Sensor type: [[sensor_type" + type + "]]<br> Collecting date: [[captured_datetime]] <br>", "bullet": "round", //"lineColor": "#000000", "bulletSize": 3, "fillAlphas": type.indexOf("TM") >= 0 ? 1 : 0, "type": type.indexOf("TM") >= 0 ? "column" : "smoothedLine", "labelPosition": "right", "valueField": "value" + type, "fixedColumnWidth": 10 } }); AmCharts.makeChart("dashboard-chart", { "type": "serial", "theme": "light", //"equalSpacing": true, this is a categoryAxis property. "dataProvider": chartData, //"valueAxes": valueAxes, "graphs": graphs, "categoryField": "captured_datetime", 'chartCursor': { 'cursorPosition': 'mouse', 'cursorColor': '#ffa500', "valueLineBalloonEnabled": true, "valueLineEnabled": true, }, "dataDateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD JJ:NN:SS", "categoryAxis": { //"gridPosition": "middle", "labelRotation": 75, "minorGridEnabled": true, "parseDates": true, "minPeriod": "ss", //customize axis: "markPeriodChange": false, "dateFormats": [{ "period": "fff", "format": "JJ:NN:SS" }, { "period": "ss", "format": "YYYY-MM-DD\\nJJ:NN:SS" }, { "period": "mm", "format": "JJ:NN" }, { "period": "hh", "format": "JJ:NN" }, { "period": "DD", "format": "MMM DD" }, { "period": "WW", "format": "MMM DD" }, { "period": "MM", "format": "MMM" }, { "period": "YYYY", "format": "YYYY" }] }, "responsive": { "enabled": true } }); 
 html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; } #dashboard-chart { width: 100%; height: 100%; } 
 <script src="//www.amcharts.com/lib/3/amcharts.js"></script> <script src="//www.amcharts.com/lib/3/serial.js"></script> <script src="//www.amcharts.com/lib/3/themes/light.js"></script> <div id="dashboard-chart"></div> 

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