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[英]sum of a list in scheme

I'm beginner in functional programming and scheme language. 我是函数式编程和方案语言的初学者。

I found a way to build the sum of a list: 我找到了一种建立列表总和的方法:

(define (sum lst)
  (if (empty? lst)
      (+ (car lst) (sum (cdr lst)))))

(sum (list 1 2 3))

My question is: is there a way to build the sum of a list without a extra function like sum, just using the "+" function like this: 我的问题是:有没有办法建立一个列表的总和没有像sum这样的额外函数,只需使用“+”函数,如下所示:

(+ 1 2 3)

You can apply list of arguments to a function. 您可以apply参数列表apply函数。 So in this case you can: 所以在这种情况下你可以:

> (apply + (list 1 2 3))

The reference for MIT/Gnu-Scheme says, that + takes ANY number of arguments. MIT / Gnu-Scheme的参考文献说, +需要任意数量的参数。 I am sure, that this standard. 我相信,这个标准。

In general: 一般来说:

(define (foo . args) ....)

is used like (foo) or (foo x) or (foo xy) , (foo xyz) , .... . 使用像(foo)(foo x)(foo xy)(foo xyz) ,.... Inside foo the args will be '() , (x) , (xy) or (xyz) . foo里面,args将是'()(x)(xy)(xyz)

See exercise 2.20 in SICP or MIT/Scheme Reference 9.2 chap 2.1 参见SICP中的练习2.20或MIT / Scheme Reference 9.2 chap 2.1

This means: 这意味着:

For the arithmetic procedures + , * , - and / your procedure is not necessary, because they are defined for any number of arguments, including zero and one. 对于算术过程+*-/您的过程不是必需的,因为它们是为任意数量的参数定义的,包括零和一。 This is also true for some other built-in procedures. 对于其他一些内置程序也是如此。 For your own procedures you can use the dotted-tail notation. 对于您自己的程序,您可以使用点尾符号。

You can download the MIT/Scheme Reference from the GNU-Pages. 您可以从GNU-Pages下载MIT / Scheme Reference。 I think it helps for all implementation of Scheme, because extension of the standard are described. 我认为它有助于Scheme的所有实现,因为描述了标准的扩展。 Most parts are easy to read. 大多数部件都易于阅读。

Common Lisp programmers should look to [ http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/functions.html] . Common Lisp程序员应该查看[ http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/functions.html]

Here you must use &rest instead of >.< (defun + (&rest numbers) ...) 在这里你必须使用&rest而不是>。<(defun +(&rest numbers)...)

Both lisp-dialects know default, optional and rest parameters. 两种lisp方言都知道默认,可选和休息参数。

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