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[英]Java: Infinite looping within while loop when trying to limit user input with do-while

static int prompt(set x) {
    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
    do {
        System.out.println("Please enter an integer within the specified range.");
        while (!input.hasNextInt()) {
            System.out.println("Please enter a valid integer.");
        System.out.println("input received");
    } while (x.getVal() <= x.getlLim() || x.getVal() > x.getuLim());
    return x.getVal();

This method is supposed to limit user input to a user-defined range of integers, but it keeps looping within the do{...}while(...) loop even when I enter valid numbers. 该方法应该将用户输入限制为用户定义的整数范围,但是即使输入有效数字,它也仍会在do{...}while(...)循环内进行循环。 It is fed a static class set , which is initialized with a constructor. 它被提供一个静态类set ,该类set由构造函数初始化。 Here are the relevant fragments of code: 以下是相关的代码片段:

set constructor: set构造函数:

    set(int val, int uLim, int lLim) {
        this.val = val;
        this.uLim = uLim;
        this.lLim = lLim;

Initializing set : 初始化set

    set max = new set(0, 1, 99);

I then proceed to prompt(max) , but it keeps telling me "Please enter...specified range" even though I enter a valid integer like 60, 55, or 10. Are there any problems with the loop or am I doing something wrong somewhere else? 然后我继续进行prompt(max) ,但是即使我输入有效的整数(如60、55或10 prompt(max) ,它也会一直告诉我“请输入...指定范围”。循环是否有问题或我在做什么?在其他地方错了吗?

Couldn't seem to figure this out, tried using regexs, try-catch blocks and parseInt as alternatives, ended up with different errors so I went back to this simplest method of regulating user input... 似乎无法弄清楚这一点,尝试使用正则表达式,try-catch块和parseInt作为替代方案,最终出现不同的错误,所以我回到了最简单的调节用户输入的方法...

The loop condition is while (x.getVal() <= x.getlLim() || x.getVal() > x.getuLim()); 循环条件为while (x.getVal() <= x.getlLim() || x.getVal() > x.getuLim());

And you set uLim = 1, lLim = 99 , 然后将uLim = 1, lLim = 99设置uLim = 1, lLim = 99

Obviously, your "valid" number 1<= 60, 55, 10 <=99 , that's why the loop never ends. 显然,您的“有效”数字1<= 60, 55, 10 <=99 ,这就是循环永远不会结束的原因。

According to your description, I think the loop condition should be while (x.getVal() >= x.getlLim() || x.getVal() < x.getuLim()); 根据您的描述,我认为循环条件应该是while (x.getVal() >= x.getlLim() || x.getVal() < x.getuLim());

Your uLim (upperLimit) is below the lLim (lowerLimit): 您的uLim(upperLimit)低于lLim(lowerLimit):

   set(int val, int uLim, int lLim) {
        this.val = val;
        this.uLim = uLim;
        this.lLim = lLim;

Initializing set: 初始化集:

set max = new set(0, 1, 99);

I would order numbers according to their size, as in your call, not in the declaration. 我会根据电话号码的大小来订购电话,而不是在声明中。

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