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[英]CSS3 animation - two issues

Here are some issues which I can't seem to figure out. 这是我似乎无法弄清楚的一些问题。

  1. When you hover on the image I am animating a few styles but as you will see, when the border size increases, everything else moves with it. 当您将鼠标悬停在图像上时,我正在设置几种样式的动画,但是如您所见,当边框大小增加时,其他所有内容也会随之移动。

  2. When you change the sidetext to something longer or shorter, it decides to move positions. 当您将边文字更改为更长或更短的内容时,它决定移动位置。

Please can someone explain what I am doing wrong? 请有人能解释我在做什么错吗?

 /* Colors: #FF0F00 = red #FFFF04 = yellow #387F23 = green */ * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { margin: 0; background-color: yellow; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } .animate { animation-fill-mode: forwards; animation-duration: 1s; } .one { -webkit-animation-delay: 0.4s; -moz-animation-delay: 0.4s; animation-delay: 0.4s; } .two { -webkit-animation-delay: 1.7s; -moz-animation-delay: 1.7s; animation-delay: 1.7s; } .three { -webkit-animation-delay: 2.3s; -moz-animation-delay: 2.3s; animation-delay: 2.3s; } .four { -webkit-animation-delay: 3.3s; -moz-animation-delay: 3.3s; animation-delay: 3.3s; } @keyframes fadeIn { from { opacity: 0; } to { opacity: 1; } } .fadeIn { -webkit-animation-name: fadeIn; animation-name: fadeIn; } @keyframes fadeInDown { from { opacity: 0; -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, -100%, 0); transform: translate3d(0, -100%, 0); } to { opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: none; transform: none; } } .fadeInDown { -webkit-animation-name: fadeInDown; animation-name: fadeInDown; } @keyframes fadeInLeft { from { opacity: 0; -webkit-transform: translate3d(-100%, 0, 0); transform: translate3d(-100%, 0, 0); } to { opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: none; transform: none; } } .fadeInLeft { -webkit-animation-name: fadeInLeft; animation-name: fadeInLeft; } /* FADE IN RIGHT */ @-webkit-keyframes fadeInRight { from { opacity: 0; -webkit-transform: translate3d(100%, 0, 0); transform: translate3d(100%, 0, 0); } to { opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: none; transform: none; } } @keyframes fadeInRight { from { opacity: 0; -webkit-transform: translate3d(100%, 0, 0); transform: translate3d(100%, 0, 0); } to { opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: none; transform: none; } } .fadeInRight { -webkit-animation-name: fadeInRight; animation-name: fadeInRight; } .container { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 100%; } .hero__img img { max-width: 100%; vertical-align: middle; } .hero__center:after { position: absolute; content: " "; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: red; /* z-index: -1; */ opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.4s ease-in; } @media (min-width: 920px) { .hero { margin: 0 auto; width: 700px; position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); opacity: 0; } .hero__heading { position: absolute; font-size: 80px; color: #0004f3; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; font-kerning: -3px; letter-spacing: 4px; z-index: 1; } .hero__heading--top { left: -85px; top: -150px; opacity: 1; } .hero__heading--bottom { right: -85px; bottom: -150px; opacity: 1; } .hero__center { position: relative; border: 5px solid blue; transition: border 0.4s ease-in; } .hero__center:hover { border: 10px solid #387F23; transition: border 0.4s ease-in; } .hero__center:hover:after { opacity: 0.4; transition: opacity 0.4s ease-in; } .hero__center:hover .hero__sideText { color: red; transition: color 0.4s ease-in; } .hero__img img { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 0.4s ease-in; } /* .hero__img:hover img { opacity: 0.4; transition: opacity 0.4s ease-in; } */ /* .hero__center:hover { border: 5px solid green; transition: border 0.5s; } */ .hero__sideText { position: absolute; top: 50%; color: #0004f3; transition: color 0.4s ease-in; } .hero__side--left { left: -50px; -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg); -moz-transform: rotate(90deg); -ms-transform: rotate(90deg); -o-transform: rotate(90deg); transform: rotate(90deg); transform-origin: center center; } .hero__side--right { right: -50px; -webkit-transform: rotate(270deg); -moz-transform: rotate(270deg); -ms-transform: rotate(270deg); -o-transform: rotate(270deg); transform: rotate(270deg); transform-origin: center center; } } 
 <div class="container"> <div class="hero animate fadeIn one"> <div class="hero__center"> <span class="hero__heading hero__heading--top animate fadeInLeft one">Lorem</span> <span class="hero__heading hero__heading--bottom animate fadeInRight one">Ipsum</span> <div class="hero__img"> <img src="http://via.placeholder.com/980x550" alt=""> </div> <span class="hero__sideText hero__side--left">Side text</span> <span class="hero__sideText hero__side--right">Side text</span> </div> </div> </div> 

  1. Since the size of your box changes by changing the border width, the elements change their position aswell. 由于框的大小会通过更改边框宽度而变化,因此元素也会更改其位置。

try adding : 尝试添加:

.hero__center:hover {

to work against the border change. 应对边界变化。

2. The transform rotation uses the center point of your element as its origin (transform-origin: center center;). 2.变换旋转将元素的中心点用作其原点(tr​​ansform-origin:中心中心;)。 When increasing the characters you increase the width so the point which the rotation choses as its origin shifts aswell. 当增加字符时,将增加宽度,以便旋转选择的原点也随之移动。

To change that you have to fix that point to a specific location. 要更改此位置,必须将该点固定到特定位置。 Try adding a div wrappers around your sideText spans with the following css: 尝试使用以下css在sideText范围周围添加div包装器:

.wrapper-left {
  left: -50%;

.wrapper-right {
  left: 50%;

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