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[英]TableLayoutPanel select cell in designer

I want to copy a label (red) and paste the control in a cell (blue) but it appears in another cell: 我想复制标签(红色)并将控件粘贴到一个单元格(蓝色)中,但是它出现在另一个单元格中:


Results in: 结果是:


How do I tell the designer in which cell I want the control pasted into? 如何告诉设计人员要将控件粘贴到哪个单元格中? I couldn't find any hints how to do that. 我找不到任何提示。 The only thing that works as intended, if I drag a new control directly from the toolbox on to that cell. 如果我将新控件直接从工具箱拖到该单元格上,那么唯一按预期工作的方法。

Okay. 好的。 One may not be able to assign a control to a cell in the designer window, but in the properties window. 在设计器窗口中,但在属性窗口中,可能无法将控件分配给单元。 If the control is a children of a TableLayoutPanel it gets a property called Cell : 如果控件是TableLayoutPanel的子级,则它将获得一个称为Cell的属性:


Change values accordingly. 相应地更改值。

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