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[英]I can not see my CreateJS

I'm trying to make a simple game in CREATEJS. 我正在尝试用CREATEJS做一个简单的游戏。 It's about being able to move the Superman, kill him by clicking on the kryptonite and a couple of other things. 这是关于能够移动超人,通过单击k石和其他一些东西杀死他的事情。 The problem comes when I open the web and the only thing I see is a blank box. 当我打开网络时,问题来了,我唯一看到的是一个空白框。 I leave the CreateJS and html code. 我离开了CreateJS和html代码。

I need to see if someone is able to enlighten me. 我需要看看是否有人能够启发我。 I read that it is possible that it is necessary to make a preload or something like that. 我读到有可能有必要进行预加载或类似的操作。 I do not know, seriously. 我不知道,认真。

 var stage; var startDrag = function(event) { // Esta función sirve para que al arrastrar no se haga desde el punto central del grupo, // sino desde aquel punto donde se hizo click var grupo = event.currentTarget; var offset = grupo.globalToLocal(event.stageX, event.stageY); // Se evitaran problemas si el grupo estuviera escalado grupo.offsetX = offset.x * grupo.scaleX; grupo.offsetY = offset.y * grupo.scaleY; } var drag = function(event) { var grupo = event.currentTarget; // La nueva posicion se calcula como las coordenadas en pantalla donde se hizo click menos // el desfase (dentro del grupo) calculado en la funcion startDrag grupo.x = event.stageX - grupo.offsetX; grupo.y = event.stageY - grupo.offsetY; stage.update(); } var stopDrag = function(event) { var grupo = event.currentTarget; grupo.x = event.stageX - grupo.offsetX; grupo.y = event.stageY - grupo.offsetY; stage.update(); } var kill = function(event){ stage.removeChildAt(1); stage.update(); } var borrar = function(event) { var objeto = event.currentTarget; stage.removeChild(heli); stage.update(); } function inicializar() { var grupo; stage = new createjs.Stage('escenario grupo = new createjs.Container(); grupo.x = stage.canvas.width/2; grupo.y = stage.canvas.height/2; grupo.addEventListener('mousedown', startDrag); // Escucha la pulsación del botón del ratón grupo.addEventListener('pressmove', drag); // Escucha movimiento del ratón, después de haber sido pulsado grupo.addEventListener('mouseup', stopDrag); // Escucha la liberación del botón del ratón fondo = new Image(); fondo.src = "images/ciudad.jpg"; imagen = new Image(); imagen.src = "images/sp.png"; imagen2 = new Image(); imagen2.src = "images/kriptonita.png"; imagenheli = new Image(); imagenheli.src = "images/helicoptero.png"; fondo.onload = function() { fondo = new createjs.Bitmap(fondo); stage.addChild(fondo); bitmap = new createjs.Bitmap(imagen); grupo.addChild(bitmap); grupo.offsetX = 0; grupo.offsetY = 0; stage.addChild(grupo); bitmap2 = new createjs.Bitmap(imagen2); stage.addChild(bitmap2); bitmap2.addEventListener('click', kill); heli = new createjs.Bitmap(imagenheli); heli.x = 300; heli.y=20; stage.addChild(heli); heli.addEventListener('click', borrar); stage.update(); } } 

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You could use either the 'defer' or 'async' attribute inside the 'script' tag, see: http://www.growingwiththeweb.com/2014/02/async-vs-defer-attributes.html for more information. 您可以在'script'标签内使用'defer'或'async'属性,有关更多信息,请参见: http : //www.growingwiththeweb.com/2014/02/async-vs-defer-attributes.html

An example of use: 使用示例:

<script src="/path/to/your/script.js"></script>

<!-- Run after the HTML is parsed -->
<script src="/run/after/html/parse.js" defer></script>

<!-- Run once the file has been imported -->
<script src="/run/on/download.js" async></script>

It is very useful to not that the 'defered' scripts will run in the order they were imported. 避免“延迟”脚本按导入顺序运行非常有用。

For example: 例如:

<!-- This will also block html parsing -->
<script src="/this/will/run/first.js"></script>

<!-- Run after the HTML is parsed -->
<script src="/this/will/run/second.js" defer></script>
<script src="/this/will/run/third.js" defer></script>
<script src="/this/will/run/fourth.js" defer></script>

From what I can tell you are only updating your stage one time (when the first image loads), and then when interactions happen. 据我所知,您仅一次更新阶段(加载第一张图像时),然后进行交互。 Typically games have a stage update every "tick". 通常,游戏每个“滴答”都会有一个阶段更新。 You should at least ensure all your images are loaded before updating. 您至少应确保在更新之前已加载所有图像。 Add this to your init function to see if it helps: 将此添加到您的init函数,以查看是否有帮助:

createjs.Ticker.on("tick", stage);

Additionally, check your console. 此外,检查您的控制台。 As @scagood pointed out, there should be a run-time error as your code has some errors. 正如@scagood指出的那样,应该存在运行时错误,因为您的代码有一些错误。

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