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[英]Create regex match pattern from a string

Is there a way, using c# or vb, to take a string (in this case a phone number) and construct a regex match string from it, so that it also ignores spaces or other characters in there?有没有办法使用 c# 或 vb 来获取一个字符串(在这种情况下是电话号码)并从中构造一个正则表达式匹配字符串,以便它也忽略其中的空格或其他字符?

So a match would be found on all of these assuming the input string was 01789000111 :-因此,假设输入字符串为 01789000111 ,则会在所有这些中找到匹配项:-

01789 000111 OR 01789 000 111 OR 01789 00 01 11 OR (01789) 000111 01789 000111 或 01789 000 111 或 01789 00 01 11 或 (01789) 000111

Remove the non-digits with a regex replace then compare:使用正则表达式替换删除非数字然后比较:

var match = Regex.Replace(src, @"\D+", "") == target;

Alternatively, you could convert the target digits to a pattern and test:或者,您可以将目标数字转换为模式并进行测试:

var ans = Regex.IsMatch(src, Regex.Replace(target, @"\d", @"\D?$0\D?"))

If you are comparing a lot of src strings to the target, you should probably create a compiled Regex from the target:如果您将大量src字符串与目标进行比较,您可能应该从目标创建一个已编译的Regex

var tpattern = new Regex(Regex.Replace(target, @"\d", @"\D?$0\D?"), RegexOptions.Compiled);

var ans = tpattern.IsMatch(src);

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