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使用 document.write 将 html 表添加到 javascript

[英]Adding html table to javascript using document.write

Looking for some help here.在这里寻求帮助。 Our class instructor is asking us to add a table into javascript using the document.write, I know this is not the recommended way to do this, but this is what our instructor is looking for: Add code to the writeIt function that writes the opening table tag before iterating thru the heros and villians and then the closing table tag.我们的班级讲师要求我们使用 document.write 将表格添加到 javascript 中,我知道这不是推荐的方法,但这是我们的讲师正在寻找的:将代码添加到写入开头的 writeIt 函数table 标签,然后遍历 heros 和 villians,然后是结束 table 标签。 Then modify the makeListItem to return a string in the form of tr td Hero td td Villan /td /tr.然后修改makeListItem,返回tr td Hero td td Villan /td /tr形式的字符串。

I tried this but am getting a blank html page when try to view.我试过这个,但在尝试查看时得到一个空白的 html 页面。

 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>JavaScript Functions</title> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <script> var superData = {"Super Man":["Lex Luther"], "Bat Man":["Joker", "Riddler",], "Spider Man":["Green Goblin", "Vulture", "Carnage"], "Thor":["Loki", "Frost Giants"]}; function writeIt('<table>'){ for (hero in superData){ var villains = superData[hero]; for (villainIdx in villains){ var villain = villains[villainIdx]; var listItem = makeListItem(<tr><td>Hero</td><td>Villan</td></tr>); document.write(listItem); } } } function makeListItem(name, value){ var itemStr = "<li>" + name + ":&nbsp;" + value + "</li>"; return itemStr; } document.write('</table>'); </script> </head> <body onload="writeIt()"> </body> </html>

Try this:尝试这个:

 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>JavaScript Functions</title> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <script> var superData = { "Super Man": ["Lex Luther"], "Bat Man": ["Joker", "Riddler", ], "Spider Man": ["Green Goblin", "Vulture", "Carnage" ], "Thor": ["Loki", "Frost Giants"] }; function writeIt() { document.write('<table>'); for (hero in superData) { document.write("<tr><td>" + hero + ": <ul>"); var villains = superData[hero]; for (villainIdx in villains) { var villain = villains[villainIdx]; var listItem = makeListItem(villain); document.write(listItem); } document.write("</ul></td></tr>"); } } function makeListItem(value) { var itemStr = "<li>" + value + "</li>"; return itemStr; } document.write('</table>'); </script> </head> <body onload="writeIt()"> </body> </html>

I tried this but am getting a blank html page when try to view.我试过这个,但在尝试查看时得到一个空白的 html 页面。

Because you have syntax problems.因为你有语法问题。 Use F12 or the Inspector/Developer mode to find out why.使用 F12 或 Inspector/Developer 模式找出原因。

Our class instructor is asking us to add a table into javascript using the document.write, I know this is not the recommended way to do this, but this is what our instructor is looking for我们的班级讲师要求我们使用 document.write 在 javascript 中添加一个表格,我知道这不是推荐的方法,但这是我们的讲师正在寻找的

True, it's often frowned upon, but JavaScript makes it available for a reason, so let's use it.的确,它经常被人反对,但 JavaScript 使它可用是有原因的,所以让我们使用它。

The first problem is that you seem to have transposed some code...第一个问题是你好像调换了一些代码...

For example, you have function writeIt('<table>') .例如,您有function writeIt('<table>') I think you meant document.write('<table>');我想你的意思是document.write('<table>'); . .

function writeIt(){

Next, you have your final document.write outside of your function call.接下来,您将在函数调用之外获得最终的document.write


This should be inside writeIt() , just after your for loop.这应该在writeIt()内部,就在您的 for 循环之后。

Finally, you have some unquoted stuff in your loop...最后,你的循环中有一些未引用的东西......


Should be (single or double quotes):应该是(单引号或双引号):


But that's still a bit off for a table.但这对于一张桌子来说仍然有点不对劲。 For example, Superman has a 1:1 ratio with his villains and Batman has a 1:2 ratio.例如,超人与他的恶棍的比例为 1:1,而蝙蝠侠的比例为 1:2。 You should be adding your rows and tables in a more predictable manner, but the above will at least start to give you output to work from.您应该以更可预测的方式添加行和表,但以上内容至少会开始为您提供输出。

Finally, an observation is that your makeListItem needs to use <ul> before it uses <li> so those problems need to be resolved.最后,需要注意的是,您的makeListItem在使用<li>之前需要使用<ul> ,因此需要解决这些问题。 For now, I recommend you just spit the data out and format it later.现在,我建议您只是将数据吐出并稍后对其进行格式化。

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