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[英]Sending data over sockets (Java to C)

I am trying to send some encrypted integers between Java as client and C as Server, using symmetric key and here is the code .... The problem is that I can Not read the numbers or the integers!!!! 我正在尝试使用对称密钥在Java作为客户端与C作为服务器之间发送一些加密的整数,这是代码....问题是我无法读取数字或整数! I am using writeInt function on Java side to send the number of digits first to use it in a loop to encrypt/decrypt each number separately, then I use the symmetric key to encrypt/decrypt the whole number. 我在Java端使用writeInt函数首先发送数字,然后在循环中使用它分别加密/解密每个数字,然后使用对称密钥对整个数字进行加密/解密。 Any idea how to make it work ? 任何想法如何使其工作?

This the java code: 这是java代码:

public void sendData(int data) throws IOException
        int dataInInt = data, numberOfDigits = 0;
        System.out.println("DATAININT =  " + dataInInt);
        while(dataInInt != 0)
            dataInInt /= 10;
        dataInInt = data;

        System.out.println("Number of digits to be sent = " + numberOfDigits);

        int [] dataInDigits = new int [numberOfDigits];
        for (int j = (numberOfDigits - 1); j >= 0; j--)
            dataInDigits[j] = dataInInt % 10;
            dataInInt /= 10;

        int [] dataToSendInt = new int [numberOfDigits];
        for (int i = 0; i < dataToSendInt.length; i++)
            dataToSendInt[i] = dataInDigits[i] ^ symmetricKeyInDigits[i % symmetricKeyInDigits.length];
            System.out.println("TOSEND = " + dataToSendInt[i]);

This is the C side: 这是C面:

char *receiveData(int sock)
    int counter = 0, i = 0, j = 0;
    char buffer[256];
    bzero(buffer, 256);

    int tempKey = symmetricKeyInt, KeyDigitsNumber = 0;
    while (tempKey > 0)
        tempKey /= 10;
    tempKey = symmetricKeyInt;

    int KeyArr[KeyDigitsNumber];
    for (j = KeyDigitsNumber - 1; j >= 0; j--)
        KeyArr[j] = tempKey % 10;
        tempKey = tempKey / 10;

    read(sock, buffer, 255);
    int bufferSize = ntohl(*((int*)&buffer))
    char *temp;
    char *decrypted = malloc(bufferSize);
    char numBuffer[20];
    int testInt;
    int encInt;

    for (j = 0; j < bufferSize; j++)
        bzero(numBuffer, 20);
        read(sock, numBuffer, 19);
        testInt = ntohl(*((int*)&numBuffer)) ^ KeyArr[j %KeyDigitsNumber];
        sprintf(temp, "%d", testInt);
        decrypted[j] = temp;
    printf("THis from inside receiveData function: %s\n", (char *)decrypted);
    return decrypted;

Instead of sending them as integers and using writeInt, rather send the integers as a string and convert them on either side. 而不是将它们作为整数发送并使用writeInt,而是将整数作为字符串发送并在任一侧进行转换。 Also use a printWriter. 还要使用printWriter。

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