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时间:2019-05-16 标签:c++loadlibrary-import dll

[英]c++ loadlibrary - import dll

could you please tell me what is wrong with this c++ code?你能告诉我这个 C++ 代码有什么问题吗? it always returns E_INVALIDARG它总是返回 E_INVALIDARG

typedef HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE AcquireDeveloperLicense(
    _In_opt_ HWND     hwndParent,
    _Out_    FILETIME *pExpiration
HINSTANCE hDll = LoadLibrary(TEXT("WSClient.dll"));
AcquireDeveloperLicense *acquire_license = (AcquireDeveloperLicense*)GetProcAddress(hDll, "AcquireDeveloperLicense");
FILETIME *pExpiration = NULL;
HWND hwnd = GetConsoleWindow();
HRESULT result = acquire_license(hwnd, pExpiration);

You are passing a NULL pointer in the 2nd parameter of AcquireDeveloperLicense() .您正在AcquireDeveloperLicense()的第二个参数中传递一个 NULL 指针。 It expects you to pass in a pointer to a FILETIME struct to receive the license's expiration date.它希望您传入一个指向FILETIME结构的指针以接收许可证的到期日期。 The FILETIME is not optional. FILETIME不是可选的。

Try this instead:试试这个:

typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE *LPFN_AcquireDeveloperLicense)(
    _In_opt_ HWND     hwndParent,
    _Out_    FILETIME *pExpiration

HINSTANCE hDll = LoadLibrary(TEXT("WSClient.dll"));
if (hDll)
    LPFN_AcquireDeveloperLicense acquire_license = (LPFN_AcquireDeveloperLicense) GetProcAddress(hDll, "AcquireDeveloperLicense");
    if (acquire_license)
        FILETIME Expiration = {};
        HWND hwnd = GetConsoleWindow();
        HRESULT result = acquire_license(hwnd, &Expiration);

You need to provide a pointer to a variable in which you want the function to store the result, not pass NULL .您需要提供一个指向您希望函数存储结果的变量的指针,而不是传递NULL As the AcquireDeveloperLicense notes pExpiration is an not optional out parameter and that meas that NULL is not a valid value.正如AcquireDeveloperLicense指出的, pExpiration不是可选的输出参数,这意味着NULL不是有效值。

FILETIME expiration{};
HWND hwnd = GetConsoleWindow();
HRESULT result = acquire_license(hwnd, &expiration);

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