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[英]aws-amplify with Auth0

We've got Auth0 and aws-amplify working separately for our React Native App. 我们已经为我们的React Native App单独工作了Auth0和aws-amplify。 But, going the next step (even following the Auth0 and AWS docs) for getting the authentication to flow from Auth0 to Cognito/User-Pools has not been working. 但是,进行下一步(甚至遵循Auth0和AWS文档)以使身份验证从Auth0流向Cognito / User-Pools一直没有用。

Yet, we've not found discussion on stack overflow, or Auth0 or others with the same problem. 然而,我们还没有找到关于堆栈溢出或Auth0或其他具有相同问题的讨论。 Is it possible that we are missing something? 我们可能遗失了什么吗?

aws-amplify does imply that OpenID Connect and Federated Identities are working, but its possible that the library is not yet supporting this flow. aws-amplify确实意味着OpenID Connect和Federated Identities正在工作,但是库可能尚未支持此流程。

refs: https://github.com/aws/aws-amplify/issues/58 https://auth0.com/docs/integrations/integrating-auth0-amazon-cognito-mobile-apps https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito/latest/developerguide/open-id.html 参考: https//github.com/aws/aws-amplify/issues/58 https://auth0.com/docs/integrations/integrating-auth0-amazon-cognito-mobile-apps https://docs.aws。 amazon.com/cognito/latest/developerguide/open-id.html

Does anyone have a working example or other docs that we could use to debug the flow? 有没有人有一个可以用来调试流程的工作示例或其他文档? Right now it defaults to the guest/unauth route after Auth0 and aws-amplify communicate, rather then enabling authentication to flow and our policies to be applied for the user. 现在它默认为Auth0和aws-amplify通信之后的guest / unauth路由,而不是启用身份验证流和我们的策略应用于用户。

Hi we have this feature request in the repo. 您好我们在回购中有此功能请求。 https://github.com/aws/aws-amplify/issues/239 https://github.com/aws/aws-amplify/issues/239

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