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在 Laravel 5.5 中向用户发送通知

[英]Send a notification to user in Laravel 5.5

This is the scenario.这就是场景。 I've User A that send via notification to other User B,C,D... a request to join a group.我有用户 A 通过通知发送给其他用户 B、C、D...加入一个组的请求。 So in laravel I've created the migration and the controller to handle the notification.所以在 laravel 中,我创建了迁移和控制器来处理通知。

This is the code of GroupController这是 GroupController 的代码


foreach ($userINList as $userIN) {
            $userIN = str_replace(' ', '', $userIN);
            $userDBList = User::all();
            foreach ($userDBList as $userDB) {
                $name = $userDB->last_name . $userDB->first_name;
                $name = str_replace(' ', '', $name);
                if (strcmp($name, $userIN) == 0) {
                    $newGroup->users()->attach($userDB->id, ['role' => 'member', 'state' => 'pending']);

                    $notification = User::find($userIN->id);
                    $notification->notify(new GroupNotification($newGroup));




So in $notification I'll try to pass the id of Users that receive the invite and then I use the notify() method to send the notification, but after User A created the group and there aren't notifications to User B, C, D... I've included the use Notifiable in group model.因此,在$notification我将尝试传递收到邀请的用户的 id,然后使用 notify() 方法发送通知,但是在用户 A 创建组后,没有向用户 B、C 发送通知, D... 我已经在组模型中包含了use Notifiable So what's the problem?所以有什么问题? What I've have to do.我必须做的。


As far as I can tell from the code you're doing the following:据我所知,您正在执行以下代码:

  1. There is an array of names in the $userINList variable $userINList变量中有一个名称数组
  2. You loop through each of the names in the array您遍历数组中的每个名称
  3. Remove all spaces in the name删除名称中的所有空格
  4. Retrieve every User检索每个User
  5. Loop through each User遍历每个User
  6. Remove all the spaces in the User 's name删除User名中的所有空格
  7. Compare the 2 names比较2个名字
  8. If the comparison passes then you add the User to the group and send a notification如果比较通过,则将User添加到组并发送通知

There are quite a few improvements we can make here.我们可以在这里进行很多改进。 For example, we already know which users you wish to notify so you do not need to fetch and compare all users.例如,我们已经知道您希望通知哪些用户,因此您无需获取和比较所有用户。

Firstly, $userINList should either be an array of User objects or an array of User id s — an array of User objects is better.首先, $userINList要么是一个数组User对象或数组User id的S -数组User对象是更好的。 Then you can simply iterate through each one.然后你可以简单地遍历每一个。

For example, if you have an array of ids then you could do this:例如,如果你有一个 id 数组,那么你可以这样做:

$group = Group::find(1);
$userINList = [1, 2, 3, 4];

User::whereIn('id', $userINList)
    ->each(function ($user) use ($group) {
        $group->users()->attach($user->id, [
          'role' => 'member',
          'state' => 'pending'

        $user->notify(new GroupNotification($group));

And if you had an array of objects it would be even easier, you could do this:如果你有一个对象数组,那就更容易了,你可以这样做:

$group = Group::find(1);

collect($users)->each(function ($user) use ($group) {
    $group->users()->attach($user->id, [
        'role' => 'member',
        'state' => 'pending'

    $user->notify(new GroupNotification($group));

Super simple :-)超级简单:-)

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