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将图像和Json从Angular上传到Multer / Express

[英]Upload image and Json from Angular to Multer/Express

I would like to upload an image and a json to a server using Express and Multer. 我想使用Express和Multer将图像和json上传到服务器。 When I test with Postman there is no problem but when I test with the Front-end in Angular, it seems that the image isn't sent. 当我使用Postman进行测试时,没有问题,但是当我使用Angular中的前端进行测试时,似乎未发送图像。

Here are the codes : 以下是代码:

problem-form.component.html problem-form.component.html

<div class="problemContainer">
 <div class="problemForm">
  <h2>Soumission de problème</h2>
  <form [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="submitForm()">
      <mat-form-field class="inputFW">
        <input matInput formControlName="User" placeholder="Adresse email">
        <mat-error>This field is required</mat-error>
      <mat-form-field class="inputFW">
        <input matInput value="{{machineName}}" placeholder="Nom de la machine" disabled>
        <mat-error>Le nom de la machine est requis</mat-error>
      <mat-form-field class="inputFW">
        <textarea matInput placeholder="Description du problème (max 200 caractères)" formControlName="Description" rows="3"></textarea>
      <label>Image (Optionnel)</label><br><br>
      <input type="file" (change)="fileChange($event)" name="image" />
    <button mat-raised-button color="primary">Envoyer</button>

function in the component that call the service 调用服务的组件中的函数

    let obj = this.form.value
    obj.image = this.image
    this.service.createProblem(obj).subscribe(data => console.log(data), err => {console.log(err)})

function in the service that post to the server 发布到服务器的服务中的功能

createProblem(problem: Object){
  let form = new FormData()
  form.append('Name', problem['Name'])
  form.append('Description', problem['Description'])
  form.append('User', problem['User'])
  form.append('image', problem['image'])
  return this.http.post(getUrl()+ `problems`, form);

Configuration of multer 粉碎机的配置

let storage = multer.diskStorage({
  destination: function (req, file, cb) {
    cb(null, 'images')
  filename: function (req, file, cb) {
    cb(null, 'problem_' + Date.now()+'.'+mime.extension(file.mimetype))
let upload = multer({ storage: storage });

The route that call a function in the controller 控制器中调用函数的路径

/** GET /api/problems - Get list of Problems */

/** POST /api/problem - create a new problem */
  .post(/*validate(paramValidation.problem), */upload.single('image'), pbCtrl.create);

The function in the controller 控制器中的功能

function create(req, res, next) {
  let photo
  if(req.file != null)
    photo = req.file.filename
  PC.findOne({ Name: req.body.Name, Active: true }, { '_id': 0 }).exec()
    .then((pc) => {
        if (pc == null)
            return res.sendStatus(400)
        const newPc = new PC({
            Name: pc.Name,
            Local: pc.Local,
            IP: pc.IP,
            MAC: pc.MAC,
            Comment: pc.Comment,
            Active: pc.Active,
            Problem: { User: req.body.User, Description: req.body.Description, Image: photo }
            .then(savedPC => {
                //return next();
            }).catch(e => { next(e); });;

    .catch((err) => {

Thanks all 谢谢大家

Resolved 解决

function to load file 加载文件功能

fileChange($event) {
  let reader = new FileReader();
  if($event.target.files && $event.target.files.length > 0) {
    let file = $event.target.files[0];
    this.file = file

function that submit the form 提交表格的功能

    let obj = this.form.value
    obj.image = this.file
    this.service.createProblem(obj).subscribe(data =>     this.openSnackBar('Votre demande a bien été enregistrée'), err =>   {console.log(err)})

function in the service to post 在服务中发布功能

createProblem(problem: Object){
  let form = new FormData()
  form.append('Name', problem['Name'])
  form.append('Description', problem['Description'])
  form.append('User', problem['User'])
  form.append('image', problem['image'])
  return this.http.post(getUrl()+ `problems`, form).map((res) => {
    return res.json()

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