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[英]DI abstract class instance, angular 5

I have several components that should all get three services at the same time with the same instance injected. 我有几个组件,应该在注入相同实例的情况下同时获得三个服务。 Then i want to "generate" a new instance of my class to inject the services another time and on and on... 然后我想“生成”我班的一个新实例,以不时地注入服务。
My first thought was that it would be best to create an abstract class and inject all the services there. 我的第一个想法是,最好创建一个抽象类并在其中注入所有服务。 Any of my components would then extend the abstract class but this approach does not work. 然后,我的任何组件都将扩展抽象类,但是这种方法不起作用。

The abstract class: 抽象类:

import { Component, Injector } from '@angular/core';
import {GeomqttdataproviderService} from '../protocols/geomqtt/geomqttdataprovider.service';
import {MqttdataproviderService} from '../protocols/mqtt/mqttdataprovider.service';
import {CoapdataproviderService} from '../protocols/coap/coapdataprovider.service';

  selector: 'app-abstract',
  templateUrl: './abstract.component.html',
  providers: [
    MqttdataproviderService, GeomqttdataproviderService, CoapdataproviderService 
  styleUrls: ['./abstract.component.css']
export class AbstractComponent  {

  protected GeomqttdataproviderService: GeomqttdataproviderService;
  protected MqttdataproviderService: MqttdataproviderService;
  protected CoapdataproviderService: CoapdataproviderService;

  constructor(injector: Injector) {
    this.GeomqttdataproviderService = injector.get(GeomqttdataproviderService);
    this.MqttdataproviderService = injector.get(MqttdataproviderService);
    this.CoapdataproviderService = injector.get(CoapdataproviderService);


One of the consuming components : 消耗组件之一

    import { Component, OnInit, Injector } from '@angular/core';
    import {AbstractComponent} from '../../abstract/abstract.component';

      selector: 'app-gauge',
      templateUrl: './gauge.component.html',
      styleUrls: ['./gauge.component.css'],
      providers: [
    export class GaugeComponent extends AbstractComponent  {

      temp = [];

      data = [
          name: '',
          value: ''
    constructor(injector: Injector) {


        this.CoapdataproviderService.msg$.subscribe(() => {
          this.temp = [{name: this.CoapdataproviderService.coapform.addcoaptopicfilter, value: this.CoapdataproviderService.msg}]; 
          this.temp = this.data;
          this.data = [{name: this.CoapdataproviderService.coapform.addcoaptopicfilter, value: this.CoapdataproviderService.msg.slice(-1)[0]  }];

        this.GeomqttdataproviderService.geomsg$.subscribe(() => {
          this.temp = [{name: this.GeomqttdataproviderService.geomqttform.addgeomqtttopicfilter, value: this.GeomqttdataproviderService.geomsg}];  // nur das letzte wird angezeigt
          this.temp = this.data;
          this.data = [{name: this.GeomqttdataproviderService.geomqttform.addgeomqtttopicfilter, value: this.GeomqttdataproviderService.geomsg.slice(-1)[0]  }];


         this.MqttdataproviderService.msg$.subscribe(() => {    
          this.temp = [{name: this.MqttdataproviderService.mqttform.addmqtttopicfilter, value: this.MqttdataproviderService.msg}]; 
          this.temp = this.data;
          this.data = [{name: this.MqttdataproviderService.mqttform.addmqtttopicfilter, value: this.MqttdataproviderService.msg.slice(-1)[0]  }];

iI always get the ERROR that all my Services are missing in the gauge-component. 我总是收到我的仪表组件中缺少所有服务的错误消息。 But i dont want to declare them in app.module, because i need a new instance every time i inject the abstract class in all the components. 但是我不想在app.module中声明它们,因为每次在所有组件中注入抽象类时,我都需要一个新实例。

providers: [AbstractComponent] doesn't make sense and won't work as you expect. providers: [AbstractComponent]没有任何意义,也无法按预期工作。 It will create a new instance of AbstractComponent class that can be injected, which is not desirable in any situation. 它将创建一个可以注入的AbstractComponent类的新实例,这在任何情况下都是不希望的。

As of now, decorator annotations cannot be inherited . 到目前为止, 装饰器注释不能被继承 providers property should be pasted from AbstractComponent to Component annotation in all child classes. providers属性应从所有子类的AbstractComponent粘贴到Component注释。

For DRYer code the array can be exported and reused in all classes that require these providers: 对于DRYer代码,可以将数组导出并在需要这些提供程序的所有类中重用:

export const DATA_PROVIDERS = [
    MqttdataproviderService, GeomqttdataproviderService, CoapdataproviderService 

  selector: 'app-abstract',
  templateUrl: './abstract.component.html',
  providers: [DATA_PROVIDERS],
  styleUrls: ['./abstract.component.css']

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