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[英]How to edit wicked time picker input field

I am using wicked picker for time and date picker. 我正在使用邪恶的选择器作为时间和日期选择器。 For time picker input field i cannot edit the time. 对于时间选择器输入字段,我无法编辑时间。 I can delete time but cannot type. 我可以删除时间,但不能输入。 How to manually type the time? 如何手动输入时间?


<div class="form-group">
  <input class="form-control timepicker" type="text" placeholder="End Time" id="timepicker-two" />

JS code JS代码


This is the link i have downloaded 这是我下载的链接

https://github.com/ericjgagnon/wickedpicker https://github.com/ericjgagnon/wickedpicker

I've been trying to figure this one out too. 我也一直试图弄清楚这一点。 I've tried the options for clearable, but no luck. 我尝试了可清除但没有运气的选项。

Var options = {
    twentyFour = true,
    clearable = true

The clearable is the only option I could find that would come close to this. 我可以发现,clearable是唯一接近此的选项。 But all it seems to do is allow the user to delete the field. 但是似乎要做的就是允许用户删除该字段。 It does not allow for a manual entry though. 但是,它不允许手动输入。

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