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[英]Projector responsiveness using media query

So I designed a website for my department, it is very responsive on my system and other mobile devices I previewed it on. 因此,我为部门设计了一个网站,该网站在我的系统和预览的其他移动设备上反应非常快。 However, when I tried to demo it using a projector, some of the elements like the navbar were out of place. 但是,当我尝试使用投影仪进行演示时,诸如导航栏之类的某些元素不合适。

Is there any media query to target projector screen size? 是否有针对目标投影仪屏幕尺寸的媒体查询? Something like @media projection 像@media projection这样的东西

Thanks in anticipation of your quick response 感谢您的快速反应


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