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[英]Is logical replication using pglogical possible with timescaleDB?

I set up a fully functional logical replication of multiple masters to one slave. 我将多个主服务器的全功能逻辑复制设置为一个从服务器。

As soon as I convert any of the replicated tables to timescaleDB's hypertable , the replication stops working - only the structure is replicated, but no data. 只要我将任何复制表转换为timescaleDB的超级表,复制就会停止工作 - 只复制结构,但没有数据。

Is it possible to use timescaleDB together with pglogical? 是否可以将timescaleDB与pglogical一起使用? Would it be possible to use PostgreSQL 10 and its in-built logical replication abilities? 是否可以使用PostgreSQL 10及其内置的逻辑复制功能?

My guess is, that logical replication doesn't make sense in the context of tables consisting of virtual chunks. 我的猜测是,逻辑复制在由虚拟块组成的表的上下文中没有意义。

No. 没有。

To our knowledge, PG10's logical replication will not work with hypertables, because it actually doesn't replicate DDL commands, and instead just does a pub/sub on the data. 据我们所知,PG10的逻辑复制不适用于超文本,因为它实际上不复制DDL命令,而只是对数据执行pub / sub。
- Mike Freedman, CTO TimescaleDB (04.04.2019) - TimescaleDB首席技术官Mike Freedman(04.04.2019)

More info: https://github.com/timescale/timescaledb/issues/1138#issuecomment-479674594 更多信息: https//github.com/timescale/timescaledb/issues/1138#issuecomment-479674594

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