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缺少请求正文的 Spring Boot POST 请求?

[英]Spring Boot POST request with missing request body?

I have a very simple HTML form page (which is a part of Spring Boot web application in src/main/resources/public/web.html) to post a String from a textarea to a Spring Boot web application version 1.5.2.我有一个非常简单的 HTML 表单页面(它是 src/main/resources/public/web.html 中 Spring Boot Web 应用程序的一部分)将字符串从 textarea 发布到 Spring Boot Web 应用程序版本 1.5.2。

<form action="" method="post">
<textarea cols="128" rows="40" name="query"></textarea>
<input value="Send" type="submit">

And the SpringBoot class to handle the POST request:以及用于处理 POST 请求的 SpringBoot 类:

public class QueryController {
    @RequestMapping(value = "/handle", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    protected void handlePost(@RequestBody String postBody) throws Exception {
       // Get query from postBody here

It works with small String from textarea in client.它适用于来自客户端 textarea 的小字符串。 However, when the String is big (eg: with HTTP request header: Content-Length:3789333 (3 MB)).但是,当字符串很大时(例如:带有 HTTP 请求标头:Content-Length:3789333 (3 MB))。 Spring Boot throws an exception like this: Spring Boot 抛出这样的异常:

org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotReadableException: Required request body is missing: protected void QueryController.handlePost(java.lang.String) throws java.lang.Exception
at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor.readWithMessageConverters(RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor.java:154)
at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor.resolveArgument(RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor.java:128)
at org.springframework.web.method.support.HandlerMethodArgumentResolverComposite.resolveArgument(HandlerMethodArgumentResolverComposite.java:121)

I'm not sure what causes this problem, I'm running the web application with embedded Tomcat from Spring Boot.我不确定是什么导致了这个问题,我正在使用 Spring Boot 中的嵌入式 Tomcat 运行 Web 应用程序。


The problem is @RequestBody cannot get value for the big query.问题是 @RequestBody 无法获得大查询的价值。 However, get request body from HttpServletRequest it can get value但是,从 HttpServletRequest 获取请求体可以获取值

 protected void handlePost(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) throws Exception {
    String postBody = this.getPOSTRequestBody(httpServletRequest); 


Update your contoller to following:将控制器更新为以下内容:

public class QueryController {
    @RequestMapping(value = "/handle", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    protected void handlePost(@RequestParam(value="query",required=false) String query) throws Exception {
       // Your code goes here

If you do not pass paramater you will get org.springframework.web.bind.MissingServletRequestParameterException: Required String parameter 'query' is not present .如果您不传递参数,您将得到org.springframework.web.bind.MissingServletRequestParameterException: Required String parameter 'query' is not present If paramater not required you can add required=false to RequestParam .如果不需要参数,您可以将required=false添加到RequestParam By default required=true for RequestParam.默认情况下,RequestParam 为required=true

It depends to your server.这取决于您的服务器。 I hope your are using Tomcat .我希望您正在使用Tomcat By default server has maxPostSize .默认服务器有maxPostSize The following is for Tomcat以下是针对Tomcat的

<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               maxPostSize="6291456" />

maxPostSize is 6MB in my preceding code.在我前面的代码中, maxPostSize是 6MB。

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