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gnupg-解密为Python bytesio流

[英]gnupg - decrypt into Python bytesio stream

How can I select a stream as the output of a decrypt_file operation in gnupg ? 如何在gnupg选择作为decrypt_file操作的输出?

The docs and the code seem to suggest this is not possible. 文档和代码似乎暗示这是不可能的。 If I am correct (see below), what workarounds are possible? 如果我是正确的(请参阅下文),可能有什么解决方法?

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The documentation seems to suggest it is not possible: 文档似乎暗示不可能:

decrypt_file(filename, always_trust=False, passphrase=None, output=None)¶

with " output (str) – A filename to write the decrypted output to." 带有output(str) –写入解密输出的文件名。”

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Opening up the code , I see: 打开代码 ,我看到:

def decrypt_file(self, file, always_trust=False, passphrase=None,
                 output=None, extra_args=None):
    args = ["--decrypt"]
    if output:  # write the output to a file with the specified name
        self.set_output_without_confirmation(args, output)
    if always_trust:  # pragma: no cover
    if extra_args:
    result = self.result_map['crypt'](self)
    self._handle_io(args, file, result, passphrase, binary=True)
    logger.debug('decrypt result: %r', result.data)
    return result

which points to set_output_without_confirmation , confirming the idea is that you pass a string filename: 指向set_output_without_confirmation ,确认想法是您传递了字符串文件名:

def set_output_without_confirmation(self, args, output):
    "If writing to a file which exists, avoid a confirmation message."
    if os.path.exists(output):
        # We need to avoid an overwrite confirmation message
    args.extend(['--output', no_quote(output)])

To output the decrypted data to a variable use decrypt instead of decrypt_file , as shown here in the " Decrypt a string " paragraph. 到输出解密后的数据给一个变量使用decrypt代替decrypt_file ,如图这里在“ 解密的字符串 ”段落。

So the original code: 所以原来的代码:

status = gpg.decrypt_file(input_file, passphrase='my_passphrase', output='my_output_file')

is substituted by: 替换为:

decrypted_data = gpg.decrypt(input_file.read(), passphrase='my_passphrase')
# decrypted_data.data contains the data
decrypted_stream = io.BytesIO(decrypted_data.data)
# this is py3, in py2 BytesIO is imported from BytesIO

As an example for the specific use case for csv data , building on this SO post , you could then do: 在此SO post的基础上以csv数据特定用例为例,您可以执行以下操作:

my_df = pandas.read_csv(decrypted_stream)

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