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你如何在 Angular 的 ng-template 中切换显示/隐藏?

[英]How do you toggle show/hide in ng-template on Angular?

This is what I tried, and of course it makes visible all the items:这是我尝试过的,当然它使所有项目都可见:

<ng-template let-file let-i="index" pTemplate="file">
  <div class="ui-fileupload-row">
    <div><img [src]="file.objectURL" width="50"/></div>
    <div><button (click)="toggleIsFormVisible()">Add metadata <i class="fa fa-plus"></i></button></div>
  <div *ngIf="isFormVisible"></div>

    this.isFormVisible = !this.isFormVisible;

How do you do this knowing only the index, and without duplicating the items?你如何只知道索引而不复制项目?

  1. this.isFormVisible
  2. ngIf="IsFormVisible"


Seems that solutions was not that complicated, inspired by msanford.似乎解决方案并没有那么复杂,灵感来自 msanford。

<ng-template let-file let-i="index" pTemplate="file">
  <div class="ui-fileupload-row">
    <div><img [src]="file.objectURL" width="50"/></div>
    <div><button (click)="file.isFormVisible = !file.isFormVisible">Add metadata <i class="fa fa-plus"></i></button></div>
  <div *ngIf="file.isFormVisible"></div>

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