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在 JUnit 中测试类方法?

[英]Testing Class Methods in JUnit?

I am currently writing a program that requires some sample JUnit tests.我目前正在编写一个需要一些示例 JUnit 测试的程序。 The objective of my program is to classify Movies alphabetically according to director.我的程序的目标是根据导演按字母顺序对电影进行分类。 I am using the Comparator class, which is going to be taking an ArrayList of Movies and sorting them alphabetically by director.我正在使用Comparator类,它将采用MoviesArrayList并按导演的字母顺序对它们进行排序。

Issue 1 : cannot use the "add" method in my JUnit testing class for adding the Movies to an ArrayList , any ideas why?问题 1 :无法在我的JUnit测试类中使用“add”方法将Movies添加到ArrayList ,任何想法为什么?

Issue 2 : how can I test the DirectorComparator as a JUnit test case?问题 2 :如何将DirectorComparator作为JUnit测试用例进行测试?


import java.util.*;

public class Movie {
  String title;

  String director;

  public Movie(String title, String director) {
    this.title = title;
    this.director = director;

  public String getAuthor() {
        return author;

  public static Comparator<Movie> DirectorComparator = new Comparator<Movie>() {
        public int compare(Movie movie1, Movie movie2) {
            String director1 = movie1.getDirector();
            String director2 = movie2.getDirector();
            return director1.compareTo(director2);


 import org.junit.Test;
 import java.util.*;
 import static org.junit.Assert.*;

 public class MovieTest {

    Movie movie1("Star Wars", "Lucas, George");
    Movie movie2("ET", "Spielberg, Steven");
    Movie movie3("The Godfather", "Coppola, Francis Ford");

    ArrayList<Movie> Movies = new ArrayList<Movie>();

    Movies.add(movie1); <=== FIRST ISSUE, CANNOT USE "ADD"??


Any help is really appreciated here!任何帮助在这里真的很感激!

Firstly lets simplify a bit your comparator implementation:首先让我们简化一下您的比较器实现:

public class Movie {
    private String title;
    private String director;

    public Movie(String title, String director) {
        this.title = title;
        this.director = director;

    public static final Comparator<Movie> DirectorComparator =
        Comparator.comparing(movie -> movie.director);

Then lets write a tests for all possible cases:然后让我们为所有可能的情况编写一个测试:

public class MovieTest {
    public void directorComparatorReturnsZeroWhenSameDirectors() {
        // given
        Movie movie1 = new Movie("Star Wars", "Lucas, George");
        Movie movie2 = new Movie("Star Wars", "Lucas, George");

        // when
        final int actualResult = Movie.DirectorComparator.compare(movie1, movie2);

        // then
        Assert.assertEquals(0, actualResult);

    public void directorComparatorReturnsNegativeWhenSecondDirectorGreater() {
        // given
        Movie movie1 = new Movie("Star Wars", "Lucas, George");
        Movie movie2 = new Movie("Star Wars", "Mucas, George");

        // when
        final int actualResult = Movie.DirectorComparator.compare(movie1, movie2);

        // then
        Assert.assertEquals(-1, actualResult);

    public void directorComparatorReturnsPositiveWhenFirstDirectorGreater() {
        // given
        Movie movie1 = new Movie("Star Wars", "Mucas, George");
        Movie movie2 = new Movie("Star Wars", "Lucas, George");

        // when
        final int actualResult = Movie.DirectorComparator.compare(movie1, movie2);

        // then
        Assert.assertEquals(1, actualResult);

BTW, to have worked your original test you should add movies by this way:顺便说一句,要完成您的原始测试,您应该通过以下方式添加电影:

Movie movie1 = new Movie("Star Wars", "Lucas, George");
Movie movie2 = new Movie("ET", "Spielberg, Steven");
Movie movie3 = new Movie("The Godfather", "Coppola, Francis Ford");

List<Movie> movies = new ArrayList<>();

But this collection is not related to DirectorComparator at all.但是这个集合与DirectorComparator完全没有关系。 So, it is not needed in tests of DirectorComparator .因此,在DirectorComparator测试中不需要它。

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