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为什么永远不会调用Custom DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider的CreateMetadata?

[英]Why is Custom DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider's CreateMetadata never being called?

I created a custom provider by inheriting the DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider and overriding the CreateMetadata method: 我通过继承DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider并覆盖CreateMetadata方法创建了一个自定义提供程序:

public class CustomMetadataProvider : DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider
    protected override ModelMetadata CreateMetadata(IEnumerable<Attribute> attributes, 
        Type containerType, Func<object> modelAccessor, 
        Type modelType, string propertyName)
        //... code not included for brevity but execution never gets here

Then I registered it in Global.asax within MvcApplication class: 然后我在MvcApplication类中的Global.asax注册了它:

public class MvcApplication : HttpApplication
    protected void Application_Start()
        // Other code...
        System.Web.ModelBinding.ModelMetadataProviders.Current = 
            new CustomMetadataProvider();

I put a breakpoint and the registration above is executing and Current is being set. 我放了一个断点,上面的注册正在执行,并且正在设置Current

Problem/Question 问题/疑问

The CreateMetadata method is never being called. 永远不会调用CreateMetadata方法。 What else do I need to do? 我还需要做什么?

You're setting the wrong property in your Global.asax.cs file. 您在Global.asax.cs文件中设置了错误的属性。 Instead of: 代替:

System.Web.ModelBinding.ModelMetadataProviders.Current = 
        new CustomMetadataProvider();

It should just be this: 它应该是这样的:

ModelMetadataProviders.Current = 
        new CustomMetadataProvider();

Which if you really want to provide the full qualifier is actually: 如果你真的想要提供完整的限定符,实际上是:

System.Web.Mvc.ModelMetadataProviders.Current = 
        new CustomMetadataProvider();

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