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如何在 python 方法中使用 globals() 更改全局变量?

[英]How to change global variables using globals() in python method?

If I have the following Python script foo.py :如果我有以下 Python 脚本 foo.py :

def foo() :
  my_dict = {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': 3}


I can type this in ipython :我可以在 ipython 中输入:

run foo.py
=> 1
=> 2
=> 3
=> 1

However, If I remove the foo() at the bottom :但是,如果我删除底部的 foo() :

def foo() :
  my_dict = {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': 3}

# no foo

And I type this in ipython :我在 ipython 中输入:

run foo.py
=> 1
=> 2
=> 3
=> NameError: name 'A' is not defined

I get this error.我收到这个错误。 Why is this the case?为什么会这样?

IPython's %run defaults to running the file in a new namespace and then copying the results into your namespace. IPython 的%run默认在新的命名空间中运行文件,然后将结果复制到你的命名空间中。

When foo.py contains a foo() call, that creates A , B , and C variables in the new namespace that IPython then copies to your namespace.foo.py包含foo()调用时,它会在新命名空间中创建ABC变量,然后 IPython 将其复制到您的命名空间。

When foo.py doesn't contain a foo() call, you can call foo() yourself, but foo is still using its original namespace for globals.foo.py不包含foo()调用时,您可以自己调用foo() ,但foo仍然使用其原始命名空间作为全局变量。 Calling foo() creates A , B , and C variables in foo 's original namespace, too late for IPython to pick them up and copy them into your namespace.调用foo()foo的原始名称空间中创建ABC变量,IPython 来不及将它们提取并复制到您的名称空间中。

You can use %run with the -i flag to run the file in your namespace directly, avoiding these issues.您可以使用带有-i标志的%run直接在您的命名空间中运行文件,从而避免这些问题。

You need to declare element_dict a global variable before assigning it.在分配之前,您需要将element_dict声明为全局变量。 Once you have an assign statement anywhere within a function, the variable being assigned is declared on a local scope only, unless otherwise specified.一旦你在函数内的任何地方有赋值语句,被赋值的变量就只在局部范围内声明,除非另有说明。 In your case, element_dict is declared locally due to element_dict = read_mass_from_file() .在您的情况下, element_dict由于element_dict = read_mass_from_file()在本地声明。

See the documentation for more details. 有关更多详细信息,请参阅文档。

To actually reference the global variable:要实际引用全局变量:

def mass_mode() :
  Add element names and masses to the global variables.
  global element_dict
  element_dict = read_mass_from_file()

will update the element_dict from the global scope.将从全局范围更新element_dict

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