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将列表传递给控制器​​Asp.Net MVC Json

[英]Passing Lists to Controller Asp.Net MVC Json

I have problem passing list data from JS to Controller, as the list is stringify the ajax is not submitted to Controller. 我在将列表数据从JS传递到Controller时遇到问题,因为列表是字符串化的,ajax没有提交给Controller。 What changes should i make to javascript and controller method to do it. 我应该对javascript和控制器方法进行哪些更改。 Any help, links to acheive it. 任何帮助,都可以实现。

Javascript Java脚本

 $('#submit').click(function () {
    var isAllValid = true;
    var list = [];

        var orderItem = {

            Agency: $('.AgentName', this).val(),
            SectorPair: $('select.sectorCategory', this).val().trim(),
            ForPAX: $('.foreignPax', this).val(),
            IndPAX: $('.indianPax', this).val(),
            FlightDate: $('.flightDate', this).val(),
            Airlines: $('select.airlineCategory', this).val().trim()

            type: 'POST',
            url: '/DomesticDeparture/Create',
            data: JSON.stringify(list),
            contentType: 'application/json',
            success: function (data) {
                if (data.status) {
                    alert('Successfully saved');
                    //here we will clear the form
                    list = [];
                else {
            error: function (error) {


and Controller : 控制器

public ActionResult Create( List<DomesticDepartureEntry> dentries)
    if (ModelState.IsValid)
       foreach (var a in dentries)

    return View();

Make an API controller like the following: 制作如下所示的API控制器:

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

public class ValuesController : ApiController
        public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> CreateRecord([FromBody] List<DomesticDepartureEntry> dentries)
               if (ModelState.IsValid)
                  return new HttpResponseMessage()
                    Content = new ObjectContent<JObject>(new JObject { new JProperty("message", "Record successfully inserted into the database!") }, new JsonMediaTypeFormatter()),
                    StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK

            catch(Exception ex)
               return new HttpResponseMessage()
                    Content = new ObjectContent<JObject>(new JObject { new JProperty("message", $"Failed because: {ex.Message}") }, new JsonMediaTypeFormatter()),
                    StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.ExpectationFailed

You don't return a view to the AJAX success callback, you return a JSON object to the callback alongwith the status code. 您不向AJAX成功回调返回视图,而是向回调返回JSON对象以及状态码。

And modify your AJAX call to route it to the following Web API: 并修改您的AJAX调用以将其路由到以下Web API:

        method: 'POST',
        url: 'api/CreateRecord',
        data: JSON.stringify(list),
        dataType: 'json',
        contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
        success: function (data)
                console.log( data["message"] );
                alert( data["message"]);

                //Your business logic
                //here we will clear the form
                list = [];
                 alert('Some error occured!');
        error: function ( jqXHR, errorThrown, statusText )
                console.log( errorThrown );

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