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XML 到 CSV Python 3.5.2

[英]XML To CSV Python 3.5.2

I am trying to convert the following XML to CSV.我正在尝试将以下 XML 转换为 CSV。 The catch is every single entry might not have a value so it returns a NoneType .问题是每个条目可能没有值,因此它返回NoneType For example, in the XML shown below not every "entry" will have a "rule".例如,在下面显示的 XML 中,并不是每个“条目”都有一个“规则”。

If this happens I would like the CSV file to contain either nothing or a generic value such as "EMPTY".如果发生这种情况,我希望 CSV 文件不包含任何内容或通用值,例如“EMPTY”。 I would like the CSV file to look something like this:我希望 CSV 文件看起来像这样:

domain    serial     seqno   rule
 1       43434343434    1     21
 1       43434343434    1     21
 1       43434343434    1     EMPTY

By using the list comprehension shown below I was able to avoid the NoneType error.通过使用下面显示的列表理解,我能够避免NoneType错误。 However, it appears that formatting the data in the CSV is where I need some assistance.但是,在 CSV 中格式化数据似乎是我需要一些帮助的地方。

rows = [cleanhtml(str(entry))
        for entry in soup.find_all("entry")
        if entry.find(header_list[counter]) is not None]
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import csv
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

html_results='''<response status="success"><result>
        <logs count="100" progress="100">
          <entry logid="4343">
            <rule>Rule 21</rule>
          <entry logid="4343">
            <rule>Rule 21</rule>

def cleanhtml(raw_html):
  tags = re.compile('<.*?>')
  cleantext = re.sub(tags, '', raw_html)
  return cleantext

soup = BeautifulSoup(html_results, 'html.parser')

header_list = ['domain',"serial","seqno","actionflags","type","subtype","config_ver","src","dst","rule"]

query_results = open("query_results.csv","w")

csvwriter = csv.writer(query_results)


num_of_logs = soup.find("logs").get("count")

counter = 0

rows = [cleanhtml(str(entry)) for entry in soup.find_all("entry") if entry.find(header_list[counter]) is not None]



You are not handling your entry subelements;您没有处理您的条目子元素; you are merely turning each entry to text and removing the XML tag markup.您只是将每个条目转换为文本并删除 XML 标记标记。 You need to produce a list or dictionary with each subelement entry teased out separately.您需要生成一个列表或字典,其中每个子元素条目都分开梳理。

If you produce a dictionary of the nested elements, then thecsv.DictWriter() class could handle filling in empty columns for you, without additional coding:如果您生成嵌套元素的字典,则csv.DictWriter()可以为您处理空列的填充,而无需额外编码:

def entry_to_dict(entry):
    return {tag.name: tag.get_text() for tag in entry.find_all()}

header_list = ['domain', 'serial', 'seqno', 'actionflags', 'type', 'subtype', 'config_ver', 'src', 'dst', 'rule']

soup = BeautifulSoup(html_results, 'html.parser')
with open("query_results.csv","w") as query_results:
    csvwriter = csv.DictWriter(query_results, header_list, restval='EMPTY')
    csvwriter.writerows(entry_to_dict(entry) for entry in soup.find_all('entry'))

Here, the restval argument tells the writer how to handle missing values in each row.在这里, restval参数告诉作者如何处理每一行中的缺失值。 header_list is passed in as the field names, so the writer knows what keys to expect in each row dictionary. header_list作为字段名称传入,因此作者知道在每个行字典中期望什么键。

entry_to_dict() simply turns each nested element in an entry into a key-value pair in a dictionary, with thetag.get_text() function doing the work of turning element contents into text. entry_to_dict()只是将条目中的每个嵌套元素转换为字典中的键值对,tag.get_text()函数完成将元素内容转换为文本的工作。 The

For your demo XML data, this produces:对于您的演示 XML 数据,这会产生:

>>> import sys
>>> csvwriter = csv.DictWriter(sys.stdout, header_list, restval='EMPTY')
>>> csvwriter.writeheader()
>>> csvwriter.writerows(entry_to_dict(entry) for entry in soup.find_all('entry'))
1,43434343434,0,0x0,EXAMPLE,EXAMPLE,0,,,Rule 21
1,43434343434,0,0x0,EXAMPLE,EXAMPLE,0,,,Rule 21

This doesn't actually contain any empty elements, but when I add some, you can see that EMPTY is used to fill those in:这实际上并不包含任何空元素,但是当我添加一些元素时,您可以看到EMPTY用于填充这些元素:

>>> html_results += '''</log><log>
...           <entry logid="4343">
...             <domain>1</domain>
...             <serial>43434343434</serial>
...             <seqno>0</seqno>
...             <actionflags>0x0</actionflags>
...             <type>EXAMPLE</type>
...             <subtype>EXAMPLE</subtype>
...             <!-- incomplete entry, config_ver, src, dst and rule missing -->
...          </entry>
...        </log>'''
>>> soup = BeautifulSoup(html_results, 'html.parser')
>>> csvwriter = csv.DictWriter(sys.stdout, header_list, restval='EMPTY')
>>> csvwriter.writeheader()
>>> csvwriter.writerows(entry_to_dict(entry) for entry in soup.find_all('entry'))
1,43434343434,0,0x0,EXAMPLE,EXAMPLE,0,,,Rule 21
1,43434343434,0,0x0,EXAMPLE,EXAMPLE,0,,,Rule 21

As a final note: consider installing the lxml library , and use the xml parser in BeautifulSoup:最后一点:考虑安装lxml,并在 BeautifulSoup 中使用xml解析器:

soup = BeautifulSoup(html_results, 'xml')

This ensures that your XML is parsed correctly at all times (the HTML parser is fault-tolerant in ways that XML should not be, and is case-insensitive, which could cause issues with mixed-case XML data).这可确保始终正确解析您的 XML(HTML 解析器具有 XML 不应该具有的容错能力,并且不区分大小写,这可能会导致混合大小写 XML 数据出现问题)。

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