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无法访问自定义管理菜单页面 WordPress

[英]Cannot access custom admin menu page WordPress

I've been trying to register custom admin menu using the following code我一直在尝试使用以下代码注册自定义管理菜单

function bbtre_register_admin_page(){

   add_menu_page('Revenue Share Settings', 'Reshare', 'manage_options', 'reshare-settings', 'bbtre_admin_page_callback');


add_action('admin_init', 'bbtre_register_admin_page');

function bbtre_admin_page_callback(){

   echo "<h1>Hell</h1>";

The code is working well as I can see my custom admin menu appears on the dashboard, but when click on the menu, I found that I have no permission to access the page.代码运行良好,因为我可以看到我的自定义管理菜单出现在仪表板上,但是当单击菜单时,我发现我没有访问该页面的权限。

Here is the message: Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.这是消息:抱歉,您无权访问此页面。

I've been trying to find the solution on WordPress codes, but it deosn't help even I change the capability 'switch_themes'.我一直在尝试找到有关 WordPress 代码的解决方案,但即使我更改了“switch_themes”功能,它也无济于事。

Anyone please kindly help me to solve the problem?任何人请帮助我解决问题?

Note: I'm working on Wordpress 9.4 and Xampp注意:我正在研究 Wordpress 9.4 和 Xampp

Change the hook to add_action('admin_menu', 'bbtre_register_admin_page');将钩子更改为add_action('admin_menu', 'bbtre_register_admin_page'); to add menu on admin dashboard在管理仪表板上添加菜单

Here is the completed code as add_action can be on above function.这是完成的代码,因为add_action可以在上面的函数上。

add_action( 'admin_menu', 'register_my_custom_menu_page' );
function register_my_custom_menu_page() {

//add_menu_page( $page_title, $menu_title, $capability, $menu_slug, $function, $icon_url, $position ); // for ideal practice
add_menu_page('Revenue Share Settings', 'Reshare', 'manage_options', 'reshare-settings', 'bbtre_admin_page_callback','',''); // for your code

function bbtre_admin_page_callback(){
 echo "Hello";

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