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在woocommerce 3中创建新的送货方式

[英]Create a new shipping method in woocommerce 3

I need help in generating new shipping method in woocommerce version 3+. 在woocommerce 3+版中生成新的送货方式时,我需要帮助。 The name for new field is "Nextday delivery". 新字段的名称为“第二天交货”。 Like the flat rate it also need to be there in the method but it was not displayed in the drop down select field. 像固定费率一样,它也需要在方法中存在,但未在下拉选择字段中显示。


The below is the code which I tried. 下面是我尝试过的代码。 But it's not working for me. 但这对我不起作用。

    function request_a_shipping_quote_init() {
        if ( ! class_exists( 'WC_Request_Shipping_Quote_Method' ) ) {
            class WC_Request_Shipping_Quote_Method extends WC_Shipping_Method {

                public function __construct() {
                    $this->id                 = 'request_a_shipping_quote'; // Id for your shipping method. Should be uunique.
                    $this->method_title       = __( 'Request a Shipping Quote' );  // Title shown in admin
                    $this->method_description = __( 'Shipping method to be used where the exact shipping amount needs to be quoted' ); // Description shown in admin

                    $this->title = "Request a Shipping Quote"; // This can be added as an setting but for this example its forced.

                    $this->supports = array(

function init() {
                    $this->init_form_fields(); // This is part of the settings API. Override the method to add your own settings
                    $this->init_settings(); // This is part of the settings API. Loads settings you previously init.

                    add_action( 'woocommerce_update_options_shipping_' . $this->id, array( $this, 'process_admin_options' ) );

                function init_form_fields() {

                    $this->form_fields = array(

                        'enabled' => array(
                            'title'       => __( 'Enable', 'dc_raq' ),
                            'type'        => 'checkbox',
                            'description' => __( 'Enable this shipping method.', 'dc_raq' ),
                            'default'     => 'yes'

                        'title' => array(
                            'title'       => __( 'Title', 'dc_raq' ),
                            'type'        => 'text',
                            'description' => __( 'Title to be displayed on site', 'dc_raq' ),
                            'default'     => __( 'Request a Quote', 'dc_raq' )



                public function calculate_shipping( $packages = array() ) {
                    $rate = array(
                        'id'       => $this->id,
                        'label'    => $this->title,
                        'cost'     => '0.00',
                        'calc_tax' => 'per_item'

                    $this->add_rate( $rate );

    add_action( 'woocommerce_shipping_init', 'request_a_shipping_quote_init' );

    function request_shipping_quote_shipping_method( $methods ) {
        $methods['request_shipping_quote_shipping_method'] = 'WC_Request_Shipping_Quote_Method';

        return $methods;

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_shipping_methods', 'request_shipping_quote_shipping_method' );

I need it to come in the dropdown like flatrate free shipping etc but it was not comming in the dropdown. 我需要它进入下拉菜单,例如统一免费送货等,但下拉菜单中没有显示。

There were some missing things and others unnecessary. 有一些遗失的东西,而其他则不必要。 The correct way to make it work is: 使其正常工作的正确方法是:

add_action('woocommerce_shipping_init', 'request_shipping_quote_method');
function request_shipping_quote_method() {

    if ( ! class_exists( 'WC_Request_Shipping_Quote_Method' ) ) {
        class WC_Request_Shipping_Quote_Method extends WC_Shipping_Method {

            public function __construct( $instance_id = 0) {
                $this->id = 'request_shipping_quote';
                $this->instance_id = absint( $instance_id );
                $this->domain = 'rasq';
                $this->method_title = __( 'Request a Shipping Quote', $this->domain );
                $this->method_description = __( 'Shipping method to be used where the exact shipping amount needs to be quoted', $this->domain );
                $this->supports = array(

            ## Load the settings API
            function init() {
                $this->enabled = $this->get_option( 'enabled', $this->domain );
                $this->title   = $this->get_option( 'title', $this->domain );
                $this->info    = $this->get_option( 'info', $this->domain );
                add_action('woocommerce_update_options_shipping_' . $this->id, array($this, 'process_admin_options'));

            function init_form_fields() {
                $this->instance_form_fields = array(
                    'title' => array(
                        'type'          => 'text',
                        'title'         => __('Title', $this->domain),
                        'description'   => __( 'Title to be displayed on site.', $this->domain ),
                        'default'       => __( 'Request a Quote ', $this->domain ),
                    'cost' => array(
                        'type'          => 'text',
                        'title'         => __('Coast', $this->domain),
                        'description'   => __( 'Enter a cost', $this->domain ),
                        'default'       => '',

            public function calculate_shipping( $packages = array() ) {
                $rate = array(
                    'id'       => $this->id,
                    'label'    => $this->title,
                    'cost'     => '0',
                    'calc_tax' => 'per_item'
                $this->add_rate( $rate );

add_filter('woocommerce_shipping_methods', 'add_request_shipping_quote');
function add_request_shipping_quote( $methods ) {
    $methods['request_shipping_quote'] = 'WC_Request_Shipping_Quote_Method';
    return $methods;

Code goes in function.php file of your active child theme (active theme). 代码进入您的活动子主题(活动主题)的function.php文件中。

Tested and works. 经过测试和工作。

Here the shipping method selector now displays this "Request a shipping coast" method: 现在,运输方式选择器在此处显示此“请求运输方式”方法:


Once selected and added, it's created this time: 一旦选择并添加,它将在以下时间创建:


If you edit it: 如果您编辑它:


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