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[英]Disable a specific date in full calender

I am using full calender as a calender datepicker, and I am facing a problem. 我正在使用全压延机作为压延机的日期选择器,但遇到了问题。 I want to disable some dates from clicking (dates in red colour). 我想禁用某些单击日期(红色日期)。


Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

$(document).ready(function() {
    defaultDate: '<?php echo $today; ?>',
    selectable: true,
    dayClick: function(date, jsEvent, view) {
      //alert('Date:' + date.format());
    editable: true,
    height: 400,
    eventLimit: true,
    events: [
      <?php foreach($lead as $l){?>
        title: '<?php echo $l['ids']; ?>',
        start: '<?php echo $l['followup_date']; ?>',
        <?php if($l['ids'] >= $followuplimit) {?>
          backgroundColor    : '#FF0000',
          borderColor    : '#FF0000'
        <?php } else { ?>
          backgroundColor    : '#008C1F',
          borderColor    : '#008C1F'
        <?php } ?>
      <?php } ?>

You can disable date by adding disabled class to that cell. 您可以通过将disabled类添加到该单元格来禁用日期。

Logic : Just have array of dates you want to disable and check if date variable is present in your date arra and if true add disable class. 逻辑:仅包含要禁用的日期数组,并检查date变量中是否存在date变量,如果为true,则添加disable类。

    dayRender: function(date, cell){
        if (date > maxDate){

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