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[英]How to deploy gulp-ftp, after previos task?

i have a problem with two gulp task in npm.js. 我在npm.js中有两个吞咽任务有问题。 First task compile project, next tast deploy it on ftp. 第一个任务是编译项目,下一个尝试是将其部署在ftp上。 If I run them separately - all work, but when i try to use them together, its now work. 如果我分别运行它们-全部工作,但是当我尝试一起使用它们时,它现在可以工作。 I think its a stream error. 我认为这是流错误。 Cuz gulp ftp (second task) finish faster then (first task). Cuz gulp ftp(第二个任务)完成得比第一个任务快。 Can someone help with this? 有人可以帮忙吗?

First task: 第一项任务:

gulp.task('build', ['nib', 'html', 'scripts'], function() {
    var removeDist = del.sync('app/dist');

    var buildCSS = gulp

    var buildImg = gulp
        .src(['app/html-dev/img/**/*', '!app/html-dev/img/empty.jpg'])
            interlaced: true,
            progressive: true,
            svgoPlugins: [{ removeViewBox: false }],
            une: [pngquant()]

    var buildFonts = gulp
        .src(["app/html-dev/fonts/**/*", '!app/html-dev/fonts/empty.woff'])

    var buildJS = gulp

    var buildHhtml = gulp

Ftp Task: Ftp任务:

gulp.task('ftp', ['build'], function () {
    return gulp.src('app/dist/**')
        // you need to have some kind of stream after gulp-ftp to make sure it's flushed 
        // this can be a gulp plugin, gulp.dest, or any kind of stream 
        // here we use a passthrough stream 

Error: 错误:

[13:34:47] Using gulpfile ~\Desktop\test-dist\gulpfile.js
[13:34:47] Starting 'nib'...
[13:34:47] Starting 'html'...
[13:34:47] Starting 'scripts'...
[13:34:47] Finished 'scripts' after 9.31 ms
[13:34:50] Finished 'nib' after 3.35 s
[13:34:50] Finished 'html' after 3.34 s
[13:34:50] Starting 'build'...
[13:34:50] Finished 'build' after 21 ms
[13:34:50] Starting 'ftp'...
[13:34:50] gulp-ftp: No files uploaded
[13:34:50] Finished 'ftp' after 6.5 ms
[13:34:50] gulp-imagemin: Minified 0 images

You need to return the stream from the dependancy task, 'build' . 您需要从依赖任务'build' return流。 Otherwise the parent task 'ftp' won't wait for 'build' to end. 否则,父任务'ftp'将不会等待'build'结束。

Since that task has multiple src you need to merge them with merge-stream 由于该任务具有多个src您需要将它们与merge-stream

var merge = require('merge-stream');

gulp.task('build', ['nib', 'html', 'scripts'], function() {
    var removeDist = del.sync('app/dist');

    return merge(

        .src(['app/html-dev/img/**/*', '!app/html-dev/img/empty.jpg'])
            interlaced: true,
            progressive: true,
            svgoPlugins: [{ removeViewBox: false }],
            une: [pngquant()]

        .src(["app/html-dev/fonts/**/*", '!app/html-dev/fonts/empty.woff'])




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