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[英]Python - How can i remove a letter from a list of strings, change the strings to floats, transform some of the floats, and keep the order

myList=['57.43 N', '44.78 S', '59.64 S', '88.11 N']

I'm learning python, I have a list of strings representing Lat/Lon . 我正在学习python,我有一个表示Lat/Lon的字符串列表。 I need to remove the N/S and when there is an S multiply by -1 , and have all strings converted to floats . 我需要删除N/S并且在S乘以-1时将所有字符串都转换为floats I was thinking I could build an index of my values, and somehow separate the strings with S from the ones with N, create North and South lists remove the N/S with, 我当时以为我可以建立我的值的索引,然后以某种方式将带有S的字符串与带有N的字符串分开,创建北列表和南列表以删除N / S,

x=[x.remove('NS') for x in myList]
y=[y.remove('S') for x in myList] 

multiply the y list by -1 and use extend x by y so my index stays in tact. 将y列表乘以-1,并使用x扩展y,以便我的索引保持原样。 Any advice would be very lovely. 任何建议将是非常可爱的。 Thanks. 谢谢。

You can use list comprehensions to achieve this succinctly: 您可以使用列表推导简洁地实现此目的:

newList = [-1 * float(x[:-2]) if 'S' in x else float(x[:-2]) for x in mylist]

Of course, this assumes the following about each of your elements: 当然,这假设您的每个元素都具有以下特征:

  1. The last two characters are always ' N' or ' S' . 最后两个字符始终为' N'' S'
  2. The other characters can be converted into floats. 其他字符可以转换为浮点数。

You can just split each string into number and direction. 您可以将每个字符串分成数字和方向。 If the direction is S , multiply it by -1 : 如果方向为S ,则将其乘以-1

myList=['57.43 N', '44.78 S', '59.64 S', '88.11 N']

result = []
for data in myList:
    num, direction = data.split()

    num = float(num)
    if direction == 'S':
        num *= -1


# [57.43, -44.78, -59.64, 88.11]

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