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[英]Send an Mailchimp Campaign to a specific Email

I need to send an specific email(or campaign) to a specific email recipient from a Magento store which should send 1 day, 3 days and 5 days after the purchase of a specific product the Emails. 我需要从Magento商店向特定的电子邮件收件人发送特定的电子邮件(或活动),该商店应在购买特定产品的电子邮件后的1天,3天和5天发送。 I have the Emails designed in Mailchimp thats why I want to use these and not redesign all emails in Magento. 我在Mailchimp中设计了电子邮件,这就是为什么我要使用这些而不是重新设计Magento中的所有电子邮件的原因。

Usually in this case I'd create a list, and subscribe the user to that list, and then use an workflow to handle the stagger the emails. 通常,在这种情况下,我将创建一个列表,并向用户订阅该列表,然后使用工作流来处理错开的电子邮件。 In your case, 1st, 3rd and 5th day after purchase of a specific product. 您的情况是购买特定产品后的第1、3和5天。

You'd need to interact with MailChimp's API. 您需要与MailChimp的API进行交互。 Another method, which is terrible, but sometimes a necessity is to build a form in MailChimp that subscribes users to the list, and then POST to that endpoint, although, it uses GET and has issues. 另一个很糟糕的方法,但有时是必要的,它是在MailChimp中构建一个将用户订阅到列表,然后将POST订阅到该终结点的表单,尽管它使用GET并存在问题。 If you can use the API, I would do that. 如果您可以使用API​​,我会这样做。

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