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[英]Bootstrap 4 cards with the_post_thumbnail() images Stretch to fit using wordpress?

I'm trying to stretch feature images to fit bootstrap cards. 我正在尝试拉伸功能图像以适合引导卡。 The cards align and respond correctly, but the images go all over the place. 卡对齐并正确响应,但是图像遍布整个位置。

    <section class="container"><!-- container - 3 --><p class="text-white">.</p>
        <div class="row">
            <article class="col-sm-12 col-md-4 mb-4 ">
                <div class="card">
                    <?php  if(have_posts()) : ?>
                    <?php $i = 4; while (have_posts() && $i < 5) : the_post(); ?>
                    <?php if(has_post_thumbnail()): ?>
                    <?php the_post_thumbnail( 'small','style=max-width:150%;height:auto;'); ?>
                    <?php endif;?>
                            <!-- <a href="<?php //the_permalink(); ?>"> -->
                            <div class="sub-Article text-center card-title"><?php the_title();?>
                            <!-- </a> -->
                    <p>Article - <span class="font-weight-normal small"><?php the_time('F j, Y g:i:a');?></span></div>
                            <!-- <p class="Main-Article"><?php //the_title(); ?></p> -->
                            <!-- <a class="button btn-primary btn-lg text-left" href="<?php //the_permalink(); ?>">
                             Selengkapnya ></a></span> -->
                    <?php $i++;  endwhile; ?>
                    <?php  else : ?>
                    <?php  echo wpautop('Sorry no posts were found'); ?>
                    <?php endif; ?>

Above is an example of one of a cards from index.php. 上面是index.php中一张卡片的示例。 I've used very little css as I want to see if it's possible to arrange everything just using bootstrap. 我使用了很少的CSS,因为我想看看是否有可能仅使用bootstrap来安排所有内容。 All the css does is add a frosty front over the image with the title and dates. CSS所做的只是在图像的标题和日期之前添加一个冷淡的正面。

    padding: 30px 30px 35px 30px

Ironically, the feature image displayed in Wordpress's backend cms, logged in a wp-admin, works perfectly! 具有讽刺意味的是,以wp-admin身份登录的Wordpress后端cms中显示的功能图像可以完美运行!

Ok, I know that this shouldn't work, but it does! 好的,我知道这不应该,但是可以! After playing around with the image thing, I discovered that just adding <img class="style" without having to close the tags, works! 在玩完图像之后,我发现只需添加<img class="style"而不用关闭标签就可以了!

<img class="style"<?php if(has_post_thumbnail()): ?> 

Then feel free to give it whatever style you like :) 然后随便给它喜欢的样式:)

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