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JSON可编码Swift 4“无”类型

[英]JSON Codable Swift 4 “None” type

In response to the query, the answer "error" comes to me: None, I can not cope with assigning it to a given type. 响应该查询,答案“错误”出现在我的身上:无,我无法应付将其分配给给定类型的问题。 Maybe someone has a solution or an idea how to bypass this value. 也许有人有解决方案或想法如何绕过此值。

My code: 我的代码:

import Foundation

struct Test: Codable {
let id: Int
let error: ???????


let json = """
{"error": None,
"id": 1
""".data(using: .utf8)!

let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let product = try decoder.decode(Test.self, from: json)


First, The struct doesn't properly conform to the protocols required -> See Below. 首先,该结构未正确符合所需的协议->参见下文。

Second to throw the error from the decoder you should try to do this; 其次,从解码器抛出错误,您应该尝试执行此操作。

do {
    try decoder.decode()
    // handle data here
} catch {
// handle error

Third, your error constant could be many things. 第三,错误常数可能有很多。 Error() , NSError() , a custom object... If you make the error of type Error() and the value is nothing, you'll want to do an if let statement to catch a nil value and not allow the value be "None". Error() NSError()自定义对象...如果你做error类型的Error()和价值是什么,你想要做的if let语句来捕获一个零值,而不是允许值成为“无”。 For example: 例如:

var theError = nil
if let error = myError {
    // because you hard coded the value of error to be "None" return nil instead
    // else return the actual value of the error
    if error == "None" { return theError } else {
        theError = error
        print("error has a value! ", error.localizedDescription)
} else {
     print("There is no error")

return theError // returns nil instead of "None" or it returns a real error


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