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将 ts-jest 与 create-react-app 一起使用

[英]Using ts-jest with create-react-app

When using create-react-app with react-scripts-ts to use TypeScript, running the tests with the --coverage flag leads to incorrect coverage reports.当使用create-react-appreact-scripts-ts来使用 TypeScript 时,使用--coverage标志运行测试会导致不正确的覆盖率报告。 Is there any way to integrate ts-jest so that the coverage reports will be accurate?有没有办法集成 ts-jest 以便覆盖报告准确?

Below is my jest configuration in package.json :以下是我在package.json开玩笑配置:

"jest": {
    "transform": {
      "^.+\\.tsx?$": "ts-jest"
    "testRegex": "(/__tests__/.*|(\\.|/)(test|spec))\\.(jsx?|tsx?)$",
    "moduleFileExtensions": [
    "mapCoverage": true,
    "coverageThreshold": {
      "global": {
        "branches": 100,
        "functions": 100,
        "lines": 100,
        "statements": 100

Edit: This is the error message I am getting:编辑:这是我收到的错误消息:

Out of the box, Create React App only supports overriding these Jest options:

  • collectCoverageFrom
  • coverageReporters
  • coverageThreshold
  • snapshotSerializers.

These options in your package.json Jest configuration are not currently supported by Create React App:

  • transform
  • testRegex
  • moduleFileExtensions
  • mapCoverage

If you wish to override other Jest options, you need to eject from the default setup. You can do so by running npm run eject but remember that this is a one-way operation. You may also file an issue with Create React App to discuss supporting more options out of the box.

Is there any reason you are using react-scripts-ts / ts-jest instead of regular out-of-the-box Create React App?您是否有任何理由使用react-scripts-ts / ts-jest而不是常规的开箱即用的 Create React App? It has been supporting TypeScript natively for a while now.它在本地支持 TypeScript 已经有一段时间了。 I'd suggest doing that, as fighting against in the defaults of CRA is generally a pain point.我建议这样做,因为与 CRA 的默认值作斗争通常是一个痛点。

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