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将配置文件从 Dockerfile 插入到声明性 Jenkins 管道 Docker 容器中

[英]Insert a config file into a declarative Jenkins pipeline Docker container from Dockerfile

I am trying to insert a config file that is a collection of secrets into a Docker container as part of a Jenkinsfile that is currently using the declarative syntax.我正在尝试将作为机密集合的配置文件插入到 Docker 容器中,作为当前使用声明性语法的 Jenkinsfile 的一部分。


pipeline {
  agent {
    dockerfile true
  environment {
    CONFIG = credentials('name-of-Jenkins-secret-file')
  stages {
    stage('Build') {
      steps {
        sh "echo ${CONFIG} > /usr/src/scripts/config/default.json"

Dockerfile: Dockerfile:

FROM node:carbon

WORKDIR /usr/src/scripts
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .

ENTRYPOINT node ./run.js

Steps completed when building:构建时完成的步骤:

Record trace of a Docker image used in FROM <1s
docker build -t 47a61bffd47bc4f049a967a05f05889983734f32 -f "Dockerfile" "."— Shell Script 1s
Dockerfile— Read file from workspace <1s
Checks if running on a Unix-like node <1s
General SCM <1s
Shell Script
Error response from daemon: Container 0daa4e0d56818544fd228607d7c6318963f80ad99c0f8781a425163c4fb4fc2f is not running
script returned exit code -2

I am not sure if I'm trying to achieve this in a strange or unusual way.我不确定我是否试图以一种奇怪或不寻常的方式实现这一目标。 Much of the material I've found discussing building docker images using a pipeline is with the intention of saving them to a private repository, which indicates that I might be doing something odd.我发现的大部分讨论使用管道构建 docker 图像的材料都是为了将​​它们保存到私有存储库中,这表明我可能在做一些奇怪的事情。 The error indicates that the operation can't be carried out on a container that is not running.该错误表示无法在未运行的容器上执行该操作。

I would suggest following:我建议如下:


pipeline {
  agent {
    dockerfile true
  environment {
    CONFIG = credentials('name-of-Jenkins-secret-file')
  stages {
    stage('Copy Script') {
      steps {
        sh "echo ${CONFIG} > /usr/src/scripts/config/default.json"
    stage('Run Server') {
      steps {
        sh "cd /usr/src/scripts && node ./run.js"

Dockerfile: Dockerfile:

FROM node:carbon

WORKDIR /usr/src/scripts
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install

ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"]

I assume this is still not a perfect code, but may be a starting point.我认为这仍然不是一个完美的代码,但可能是一个起点。

If you need to embed the file itself in your docker image, you can pass the file as an argument during docker build.如果您需要将文件本身嵌入到您的 docker 镜像中,您可以在 docker 构建期间将该文件作为参数传递。

pipeline {
  agent {
    dockerfile true
  environment {
    CONFIG = credentials('name-of-Jenkins-secret-file')
  stages {
    stage('Copy Script') {
      steps {
        #copy file to workspace
        cp ${CONFIG} app.cfg
        docker build -t your_image_name . -- --build-arg CONFIG_FILE=app.cfg
    stage('Run Server') {
      steps {
        sh "cd /usr/src/scripts && node ./run.js"

In Docker file:在 Docker 文件中:

FROM node:carbon

# this is the arg need to pass in docker build

WORKDIR /usr/src/scripts
# copy the config file to your image
COPY $CONFIG_FILE /app/config
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install

ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"]

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