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[英]How to spy stopPropagation with Jasmine?

basically, I have a link that stops propagation when clicked. 基本上,我有一个链接,单击该链接即可停止传播。

html HTML

<a href="#" id="myLink">My Link</a>

JavaScript JavaScript的

const a = document.querySelector('#myLink');

a.addEventListener('click', (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); });

I want to test if my link will really stop the propagation. 我想测试我的链接是否真的会停止传播。 However, my unit test is failing... 但是,我的单元测试失败了...

Jasmine 茉莉花

it('ensure that iframe\'s html links doesn\'t trigger actions', () => {
  spyOn(window.event, 'stopPropagation');

  const a = document.querySelector('#myLink');
  a.dispatchEvent(new Event('click'));

Please, let me know if you have a more elegant answer. 请让我知道您是否有一个更优雅的答案。 After some tries, I figured out how to solve this problem. 经过一些尝试,我想出了解决该问题的方法。

Jasmine 茉莉花

it('ensure that iframe\'s html links doesn\'t trigger actions', () => 
  const ev = new Event('click');
  spyOn(ev, 'stopPropagation');

  const a = document.querySelector('#myLink');

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