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ABP 框架中的集成 Windows 身份验证

[英]Integrated Windows Authentication in ABP framework

I'm attempting to use ABP with Windows Authentication rather than Table-based authentication.我正在尝试将 ABP 与 Windows 身份验证一起使用,而不是基于表的身份验证。

The plan is to have the framework:计划是拥有以下框架:

  1. Detect that the website is in a Windows security context and bypass the login page.检测网站是否处于 Windows 安全上下文中并绕过登录页面。
  2. Then associate Windows Identity/Roles and use those to map the Roles/Permissions defined in the database.然后关联 Windows 身份/角色并使用它们来映射数据库中定义的角色/权限。

I did not see anything in the documentation regarding this Windows-integrated approach.我在文档中没有看到关于这种 Windows 集成方法的任何内容。

If anyone has done this previously, I appreciate any tips.如果有人以前做过这件事,我很感激任何提示。

I think my best bet would be to use Policy-based authorization.我认为我最好的选择是使用基于策略的授权。 So where the controllers currently use ABP auth attributes, I'll revert back to the normal ASP.NET ones.因此,在控制器当前使用 ABP 身份验证属性的地方,我将恢复到正常的 ASP.NET 属性。

eg [Authorize(Policy = "MyAppAdmin")]例如[Authorize(Policy = "MyAppAdmin")]

To login the user thru official AspNet Boilerplate API (to have roles and other stuffs) you can use external authentication.要通过官方 AspNet Boilerplate API(拥有角色和其他东西)登录用户,您可以使用外部身份验证。 It is exactly what you are looking for;这正是您要寻找的;

https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Zero/User-Management#external-authentication https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Zero/User-Management#external-authentication

in the spirit of sharing here is how i managed to circumvent the use of the login screen for a Window Authenticated context.本着在这里分享的精神,我是如何设法绕过登录屏幕用于 Window Authenticated 上下文的。

  1. make the Login panel hidden and set some dummy data on the username/password controls (the dummy data is not actually used).隐藏登录面板,并在用户名/密码控件上设置一些虚拟数据(实际不使用虚拟数据)。
  2. in the js file run the login action immediately (no user interaction)在 js 文件中立即运行登录操作(无用户交互)

     abp.ajax({ contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', url: $loginForm.attr('action'), data: $loginForm.serialize() });
  3. In the AccountController:在 AccountController 中:

     var windowsIdentity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(); loginModel.UsernameOrEmailAddress = windowsIdentity.Name; var count = (from x in windowsIdentity.Claims where x.Value == "myclaim" select x).Count(); if (count == 0) { throw _abpLoginResultTypeHelper.CreateExceptionForFailedLoginAttempt(AbpLoginResultType.InvalidUserNameOrEmailAddress, loginModel.UsernameOrEmailAddress, null); }
  4. Create an ExternalAuthSource as described in the answer above.按照上面的答案创建一个 ExternalAuthSource。 We will always return true becuase the real authentication is already done.我们将始终返回true因为真正的身份验证已经完成。
     public override Task<bool> TryAuthenticateAsync(string userNameOrEmailAddress, string plainPassword, Tenant tenant) { return Task.FromResult(true); }
    It has the added advantage that the authenticated user is created by the ABP Framework automatically.它还有一个额外的优势,即经过身份验证的用户是由 ABP 框架自动创建的。 The Role the new user is assigned depends on the which role is the Default - see Table AbpUserRoles .分配给新用户的角色取决于哪个角色是Default角色 - 请参阅表AbpUserRoles

Hopefully this helps somebody trying to use the framework in a Windows-Authenticated context.希望这有助于尝试在 Windows 身份验证上下文中使用该框架的人。

I tried to do what John suggested, but I had to make a few changes, so this is how I did it.我试着按照约翰的建议去做,但我不得不做一些改变,所以我就是这样做的。

"angular\\src\\account\\login\\login.component.ts" "angular\\src\\account\\login\\login.component.ts"

class LoginComponent {    
  ngOnInit() {
    this.loginService.authenticateModel.userNameOrEmailAddress = 'foo';
    this.loginService.authenticateModel.password = 'bar';

"aspnet-core\\src\\ProjectName.Core\\Authentication\\AlwaysTrue\\AlwaysTrueExternalAuthSource.cs" “aspnet-core\\src\\ProjectName.Core\\Authentication\\AlwaysTrue\\AlwaysTrueExternalAuthSource.cs”

public class AlwaysTrueExternalAuthSource: DefaultExternalAuthenticationSource<Tenant, User>, ITransientDependency
  public override string Name => "AlwaysTrueExternalAuthSource";

  public override Task<bool> TryAuthenticateAsync(string userNameOrEmailAddress, string plainPassword, Tenant tenant)
    return Task.FromResult(true);

"aspnet-core\\src\\ProjectName.Core\\ProjectNameCoreModule.cs" “aspnet-core\\src\\ProjectName.Core\\ProjectNameCoreModule.cs”

public class ProjectNameCoreModule : AbpModule
  public override void PreInitialize()

"aspnet-core\\src\\ProjectName.Web.Core\\Controllers\\TokenAuthController.cs" “aspnet-core\\src\\ProjectName.Web.Core\\Controllers\\TokenAuthController.cs”

public class TokenAuthController : ProjectNameControllerBase
  public async Task<AuthenticateResultModel> Authenticate([FromBody] AuthenticateModel model)
    var windowsIdentity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
    model.UserNameOrEmailAddress = windowsIdentity.Name.ToLowerInvariant().Replace("\\","");

    var loginResult = await GetLoginResultAsync(...)

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