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Purescript MouseEvent获取鼠标的xy

[英]Purescript MouseEvent to get x y of mouse

I am new to purescript and was trying to make a 3d cube rotate on mouse events. 我是purescript的新手,并试图使3d多维数据集在鼠标事件时旋转。 But I cannot get x and y coordinates of mouse pointer on mouse move event. 但是在鼠标移动事件上我无法获得鼠标指针的x和y坐标。 I am attaching my code below which have a event listener. 我在下面附有事件监听器的代码。 Can somebody help me in getting x and y coordinates of mouse or can tell me better way to write event listener for mouse. 有人可以帮助我获取鼠标的x和y坐标,还是可以告诉我更好的编写鼠标事件侦听器的方法。

node <- querySelector "#canvas"
   for_ node $ addEventListener "mousedown" $ void do
     modifyRef drag \d -> true
     xz <- getPageX
     log (show xz)
     x <- liftEff $ Window.screenX =<< window
     y <- liftEff $ Window.screenX =<< window
     modifyRef old_x \ox ->  toNumber x
     modifyRef old_y \oy ->  toNumber y
     log (show y)
   for_ node $ addEventListener "mouseup" $ void do
     modifyRef drag \d -> false
   for_ node $ addEventListener "mouseout" $ void do
     modifyRef drag \d -> false
   for_ node $ addEventListener "mousemove" $ void do
     --log "Mouse Moved!"
     x <- liftEff $ Window.screenX =<< window
     y <- liftEff $ Window.screenX =<< window
     ox <- readRef old_x
     oy <- readRef old_y
     modifyRef dX \dx -> (toNumber x - ox) * 2.0 * pi / 600.0
     modifyRef dY \dy -> (toNumber y - oy) * 2.0 * pi / 650.0
     dx <- readRef dX
     dy <- readRef dY
     dg <- readRef drag
     if dg == true then do
      modifyRef alpha \al -> al + dx
      modifyRef beta \bt -> bt + dy
      modifyRef old_x \ox -> toNumber x
      modifyRef old_y \oy -> toNumber y
      --modifyRef gamma \ga -> ga + 3.0 * pi/180.0
        pure unit

You are using window.screenX and window.screenY , which is not what you want . 您使用的不是 window.screenXwindow.screenY You need to use screenX and screenY from the MouseEvent type instead. 您需要改用MouseEvent类型的screenXscreenY

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