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FragmentPagerAdapter 在数据更改后显示错误的片段

[英]FragmentPagerAdapter shows wrong fragment after data change

I have a simple FragmentPagerAdaper , and I have overriden the getItem and getCount methods.我有一个简单的FragmentPagerAdaper ,并且覆盖了getItemgetCount方法。

Everything works fine until I change the data.一切正常,直到我更改数据。

Even after calling notifyDataSetChanged , the ViewPager is showing the old fragment, even tough I am not returning it in getItem .即使在调用notifyDataSetChangedViewPager也会显示旧片段,即使我没有在getItem返回它。

Kotlin Code:科特林代码:

private inner class Adapter(fragmentManager: FragmentManager) : FragmentPagerAdapter(fragmentManager) {
    override fun getItem(position: Int): Fragment {
        when (getType(position)) {
            Constants.CHAT_TYPE_PARTNER -> {
                return TaskChatFragment.newInstance(...)
            Constants.CHAT_TYPE_SUPPORT -> {
                return TaskChatFragment.newInstance(...)
        throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid position " + position)

    fun getPosition(type: Int) =
            if (type == Constants.CHAT_TYPE_SUPPORT && shouldShowPartnerChat()) 1 else 0

    override fun getCount(): Int {
        var count = 0
        if (shouldShowPartnerChat()) count++
        if (shouldShowSupportChat()) count++
        return count

I needed to override getItemId in addition to the 2 methods, since I was changing the position of a fragment returned by getItem .除了 2 个方法之外,我还需要覆盖getItemId ,因为我正在更改getItem返回的片段的位置。 As mentioned in the docs:如文档中所述:

long getItemId (int position)

Return a unique identifier for the item at the given position.返回给定位置的项目的唯一标识符。

The default implementation returns the given position.默认实现返回给定的位置。 Subclasses should override this method if the positions of items can change.如果项目的位置可以改变,子类应该覆盖这个方法。

     * We need to override this as positions of items may change.
     * Like when the partner conv is hidden.
    override fun getItemId(position: Int) = getType(position).toLong()

I figured this out after debugging using breaking points, and realized that getItem is not being called after calling notifyDataSetChanged我想通了这一点用的断点调试后,并意识到getItem没有被调用后调用notifyDataSetChanged

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