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具有Firebase集成的Nuxt SSR

[英]Nuxt SSR with Firebase Integration

I tried to restructure the project folder so that it can be deployed to Firebase, take a look to this repository Nuxt Firebase Vuetify . 我试图重组项目文件夹,以便可以将其部署到Firebase,看看此存储库Nuxt Firebase Vuetify On nuxt.config.js I changed the buildDir to ../functions/.nuxt , at first sight it looks worked. nuxt.config.js我将buildDir更改为../functions/.nuxt ,乍一看它似乎../functions/.nuxt But whenever I use custom component from UI framework like Vuetify, it becomes error. 但是,每当我使用来自UI框架(如Vuetify)的自定义组件时,它就会出错。 On the browser console, there is an error like this 在浏览器控制台上,出现这样的错误

The client-side rendered virtual DOM tree is not matching server-rendered content. 客户端渲染的虚拟DOM树与服务器渲染的内容不匹配。 This is likely caused by incorrect HTML markup, for example nesting block-level elements inside <p>, or missing . 这可能是由于不正确的HTML标记(例如,在<p>内嵌套块级元素或缺少)引起的。 Bailing hydration and performing full client-side render. 保龄水化和执行完整的客户端渲染。

Any idea how can I solve this? 知道我该如何解决吗? Or maybe I missed any other configuration on that project? 还是我错过了该项目上的任何其他配置?

So this is quite old, but I happened to stumble across the same issue just a few days ago, so maybe this can help you or someone else in the future. 因此,这已经很老了,但是几天前我碰巧碰到了同一问题,所以也许这可以对您或其他人有所帮助。

To my understanding, this issue is caused due to the vue module, which is a dependency of Nuxt, being installed inside the functions folder. 据我了解,此问题是由于vue模块引起的,该模块是Nuxt的依赖项,安装在functions文件夹中。 When you run Nuxt with the buildDir set to functions/.nuxt and import Vue from 'vue' in your plugins, you get another Vue-class than the one being used by Nuxt. 当您在buildDir设置为functions/.nuxt运行Nuxt并import Vue from 'vue'插件中的import Vue from 'vue' ,您将获得另一个Vue类,而不是Nuxt使用的类。 This is a bug in Nuxt, as far as I know. 据我所知,这是Nuxt中的错误。

How to hotfix this: 如何修复此问题:

  • Remove the nuxt and vue modules from your node_modules inside the functions directory, all will run regardless. 取出nuxtvue从你的模块node_modules内部functions目录,都将不分运行。
  • You will need to reinstall the modules before deploying to Firebase, if you use any of these modules in your Firebase Functions. 如果您在Firebase Functions中使用这些模块中的任何一个,则需要在部署到Firebase之前重新安装模块。

Metaphalo's answer works for me, to this I wanted to add that if you have a srcDir: 'src' in which all the nuxt directories are, I recommend adding. Metaphalo的答案对我有用,我想补充一点,如果您有一个srcDir:'src',其中所有nuxt目录都在其中,我建议添加。

nuxt.config nuxt.config

srcDir: 'src', buildDir: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'functions/.nuxt' : '.nuxt',

so you can use the plogins in dev 所以你可以在开发中使用plogins

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