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C ++继承的类未正确初始化

[英]C++ inherited class not initialized properly

I have a class (SavingAccount) inherited from another class (Account). 我有一个从另一个类(Account)继承的类(SavingAccount)。 Somehow, it does not initialize properly. 不知何故,它无法正确初始化。

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class Account
    double balance;

    // constructor
        balance = 0;

    Account(double b)
        if (b >= 0)
            balance = b;
            balance = 0;
            cout << "Balance cannot be negative." << endl;
    // destructor
        // nothing

    // required functions
    bool credit(double a)
        if (a > 0)
            balance += a;
            return true;
            cout << "Credit amount must be greater than 0." << endl;
            return false;

    bool debit(double a)
        if (a > 0 && a <= balance)
            balance -= a;
            return true;
        else if (a > balance)
            cout << "Debit amount exceeded account balance." << endl;
            return false;

    double getBalance()
        return balance;

    void setBalance(double b)
        balance = b;

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class SavingAccount : public Account
    double interestRate;    // percentage

    // constructor
        interestRate = 0;

    SavingAccount(double b, double r)
        if (b >= 0 && r >= 0)
            interestRate = r;
            interestRate = 0;
            cout << "Balance or rate cannot be negative." << endl;
    // destructor
        // nothing

    // required functions
    double calculateInterest()
        return Account::getBalance() * interestRate / 100;

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I intialize as follow: 我初始化如下:

    SavingAccount acctSaving(2000, 5);

acctSaving shows its balance as 2000 when I jump inside it. 当我跳进acctSaving时,其余额显示为2000。 However, when it gets outside, the balance is back to 0. 但是,当它到达外面时,余额将回到0。

If I change this line: 如果我更改此行:


into: 变成:


It returns the object properly with the balance value of 2000. What goes wrong? 它会正确返回余额值为2000的对象。出了什么问题? How is the first method not right? 第一种方法不正确吗?

Account::Account(b) doesn't do what you seem to think it does. Account::Account(b)并没有您认为的那样。 It creates an unnamed temporary variable of type Account , initialized with b , and then immediately destroyed. 它创建一个类型为Account的未命名临时变量,使用b初始化,然后立即销毁。

What you are likely looking for is something like this: 您可能正在寻找的是这样的:

SavingAccount(double b, double r)
  : Account(b >= 0 && r >= 0 ? b : 0) {
    /* rest of code here */

See also: member initializer list 另请参阅: 成员初始化器列表

You should not call parent constructors directly. 您不应直接调用父构造函数。 But you can specify which parent constructor should be used when a child is being constructed. 但是,您可以指定在构造子级时应使用哪个父级构造函数。

When you call a parent constructor directly like a function call, you create a temporary object. 当像函数调用一样直接调用父构造函数时,会创建一个临时对象。

// constructor
SavingAccount() // Default parent constructor is called here implicitly
    interestRate = 0;

SavingAccount(double b, double r): Account(b) // Specify here parent constructor if default one is useless here
    if (b >= 0 && r >= 0)
        interestRate = r;
        interestRate = 0;
        cout << "Balance or rate cannot be negative." << endl;

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