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[英]Output from CSV import in PHP function

I have a function in PHP, which create a HTML table with data in CSV files. 我在PHP中有一个函数,该函数用CSV文件中的数据创建一个HTML表。

The problem is the title of each table is twice printed. 问题是每个表的标题被打印两次。 First in <th> and then in the first <tr> . 首先在<th> ,然后在第一个<tr> I want the title only printed in the <th> and not in the following <tr> . 我希望标题仅显示在<th> ,而不在以下<tr> What is the mistake and do you have other recommendation for the PHP function. 这是什么错误,您对PHP函数有其他建议吗?

csv example CSV范例

title a, Titel A 
example1, Beispiel1
example2, Beispiel2

title b, Titel B
example1, Beispiel1
example2, Beispiel2

php function PHP功能

function CreateLangTable($csvFile, $startRow, $endRow, $number) {
    global $lang_code1, $lang_code2, $vocabulary_group, $urlArray;

    if ($endRow < $startRow) {
    echo ' 
  <a id="' . $vocabulary_group[$urlArray[4]][$number] . '"></a>  
 <div class="table-responsive">  
  <table class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped table-fixed">                           
    <thead class="blue-grey lighten-4">';
          <th><div data-text="%1$s" data-lang="' . $lang_code1 . '" class="trigger_play"> %1$s</div></th> 
          <th><div data-text="%2$s" data-lang="' . $lang_code2 . '" class="trigger_play"> %2$s</div></th>
    <tbody>', $csvFile->current());
    while ($csvFile->key() <= $endRow) {
          <td><div data-text="%1$s" data-lang="' . $lang_code1 . '" class="trigger_play"> %1$s</div></td> 
          <td><div data-text="%2$s" data-lang="' . $lang_code2 . '" class="trigger_play"> %2$s</div></td>
        </tr>', $csvFile->current());

    echo '
</div>' . "\n";
if ($urlArray[3] == "vokabeln" &&  isset($urlArray[4])) { // Undefined offset: 3 [only until /url1/url2/]
    $file = new SplFileObject($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/$urlArray[1]/csv/$urlArray[4].csv");

php code for generation the HTML tables for this CSV example: 用于生成此CSV示例的HTML表的php代码:

CreateLangTable($file, 0, 2, 0);
CreateLangTable($file, 4, 6, 1);

The $csvFile->seek($startRow); $csvFile->seek($startRow); line gets the pointer to the header. 行获取指向标题的指针。
Then the while ($csvFile->key() <= $endRow) starts looping from the same point. 然后while ($csvFile->key() <= $endRow)从同一点开始循环。 There should be a $csvFile->next(); 应该有一个$csvFile->next(); before 'while()' 在“ while()”之前
That's 那是
while ($csvFile->key() <= $endRow) {...}

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