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在C ++中使用递归回溯迷宫

[英]Backtracking a maze using recursion in c++

So looking at all of the other forums about solving a maze using recursion, none of them had helped me with my issue. 因此,在所有其他有关使用递归解决迷宫的论坛上,没有一个论坛对我的问题有所帮助。

I get a maze from an input file and there is a start and end position. 我从输入文件中得到一个迷宫,并且有一个开始和结束位置。 I find the start pos pass the x and y by reference and recursively solve the maze. 我发现起始位置通过引用传递了x和y并递归地解决了迷宫问题。 My issue is that every possible spot in the maze is getting filled with a sign. 我的问题是迷宫中每个可能的位置都充满了标志。 When only the solution path should be marked (the '@' is what we are to use to show the path of the solution) 仅应标记解决方案路径时(“ @”是我们用来显示解决方案路径的内容)

Here is what my code outputs when I complie and run: 这是我编译和运行时代码输出的内容:

    (2, 1)
    Found Exit

    (5, 5)
    Found Exit
    |@@@   |NNNN|N||
    |@||||||@|E@@  |
    |@|N||@||||||| |
    |@@@@@@        |

    (1, 1)
    |NNN||  E|

As you can see, the 'N' are where the function found a dead end and needed to backtrack and erase them. 如您所见,“ N”是函数发现死胡同的地方,需要回溯和擦除它们。 The '@' sign is the correct path, it just doesn't erase when backtracking “ @”符号是正确的路径,回溯时不会删除

I believe my issues is the the find_exit function or at_end function 我相信我的问题是find_exit函数或at_end函数

Here is the code: 这是代码:

// "maze.h"

//header file
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#ifndef MAZE
#define MAZE

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::cin;
using std::string;

Writes to a string array containing:
* the your (the student author’s) Campus Username (at index 0)
* and Student ID# (at index 1).
Takes as input a pre-existing length-2 string array.
void get_identity(string my_id[]);

Use this to help you enumerate the directions.
Gets passed into one function below.
enum direction

Creates a dynamically allocated array of strings.
Returns a pointer to that array.
string * build_matrix(int rows);

Fills the matrix with one line per string in the array.
Use the getline method.
Why don't you need to send in cols?
void fill_matrix(string *matrix, int rows);

Print the matrix as in the sample_output.txt
void print_matrix(string *matrix, int rows);

Delete the dynamically allocated array of strings.
Why don't you need to send in cols?
void delete_matrix(string *matrix, int rows);

Finds the starting position of Niobe.
Note: x and y are passed by reference; what does this do for you?
Why don't you need cols here? Hint: not the same reason as last two.
void find_start(string *matrix, int rows, int &x, int &y);

This is the recursive backtracking function you need to write.
It should return true if you found the solution,
and false if there is no solution.
It should leave a trail of @ signs along the path to the solution.
Make sure to build your solution with strong emphasis on the pseudocode;
do not try to code it first, first work out the solution on paper/markerboard.
bool find_exit(string *matrix, int x, int y);

Returns true if x and y are the final exit location,
and false otherwise.
bool at_end(string *matrix, int x, int y);

Returns true if the position indexed by x and y is a valid move,
and false otherwise.
What is a valid move?
bool valid_move(string *matrix, int x, int y, direction d);

#include <fstream>
#include <limits>

using std::ifstream;

void get_identity(string my_id[])
    my_id[0] = "sra9wb";
    my_id[1] = "16781948";

    cout << "MST Campus Username: " << my_id[0] << endl;
    cout << "Student ID: " << my_id[1] << endl;

string *build_matrix(int rows)
    string *matrix = new string[rows]; //allocating memory for the matrix

    return matrix;

void fill_matrix(string *matrix, int rows)
    ifstream file_in("sample_input.txt");
    int x = 0;
    int y = 0;
    bool solved = false;

    while (file_in)
        file_in >> rows;

        if (rows == 0)

        matrix = build_matrix(rows);

        file_in.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n'); //Grab line until '\n' then toss it

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
            getline(file_in, matrix[i]);//fillinf matrix with file_in from text file
        find_start(matrix, rows, x, y);
        find_exit(matrix, x, y);
        print_matrix(matrix, rows);
        cout << endl;
        delete_matrix(matrix, rows);

void print_matrix(string *matrix, int rows)
    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) //increment through the row of the matrix
        cout << matrix[i] << endl; //print eack row

void delete_matrix(string *matrix, int rows)
    delete[] matrix; //delete the matrix
    matrix = NULL;   //set equal to null for no hanging pointers

void find_start(string *matrix, int rows, int &x, int &y)
    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) //increment through the rows
        string column;
        column = matrix[i]; //set the incremented row to string column

        for (int j = 0; j < column.length(); j++) //increment through the length of column
            if (column[j] == 'N') //if the index of column matches N
                x = i; //x is equal to i because of the 1st for loop
                y = j; //y is eqyal to j because of the 1st for loop
    cout << "(" << x << ", " << y << ")" << endl;


bool find_exit(string *matrix, int x, int y) //first iteration of function passing in coords of N's starting pos
    //check if we reached the end of the maze
    if (at_end(matrix, x, y) == true)
        return true;

    //sets the starting position to @
    matrix[x][y] = 'N';

    //recursive search for out goal
    if (valid_move(matrix, x, y, NORTH) && find_exit(matrix, x - 1, y))
        matrix[x][y] = '@';
        return true;
    else if (valid_move(matrix, x, y, SOUTH) && find_exit(matrix, x + 1, y))
        matrix[x][y] = '@';
        return true;
    else if (valid_move(matrix, x, y, WEST) && find_exit(matrix, x, y - 1))
        matrix[x][y] = '@';
        return true;
    else if (valid_move(matrix, x, y, EAST) && find_exit(matrix, x, y + 1))
        matrix[x][y] = '@';
        return true;

    //this line here is meant to print a space when backtracking occurs
    // matrix[x][y] = ' ';   
    // return false;

//this function returns true if you are at the end of the maze
bool at_end(string *matrix, int x, int y)
    if (matrix[x][y] == 'E')
        cout << "Found Exit" << endl;
        return true;
        return false;

bool valid_move(string *matrix, int x, int y, direction d)
    if (d == NORTH)
        //check if north is clear
        if (matrix[x - 1][y] == ' ' || matrix[x - 1][y] == 'E')
            return true;
            return false;
    else if (d == EAST)
        //check if EAST is clear
        if (matrix[x][y + 1] == ' ' || matrix[x][y + 1] == 'E')
            return true;
            return false;
    else if (d == SOUTH)
        //check is south is clear
        if (matrix[x + 1][y] == ' ' || matrix[x + 1][y] == 'E')
            return true;
            return false;
    else if (d == WEST)
        //check if west is clear
        if (matrix[x][y - 1] == ' ' || matrix[x][y - 1] == 'E')
            return true;
            return false;
        return false;


// #include "maze.h"

int main()
    string *matrix = NULL;
    int rows = 0;

    fill_matrix(matrix, rows);

    return 0;

The sample_input.txt document goes as follows: sample_input.txt文档如下:

4 11
|   |||   |
|N|     |E|

10 16
|      |    | ||
| | |||| ||   ||
| |      |||||||
| |||||| |E    |
| |||N | ||| |||
| | || |     |||
| | || ||||||| |
|              |

3 10
|N  ||  E|

0 0

These are the mazes that we are supposed to solve. 这些是我们应该解决的迷宫。

Also I am not allowed to edit the header file. 另外,我也不允许编辑头文件。

And this is how the output is supposed to look: 这就是输出的外观:

    Map 0 -- Solution found:

    Map 1 -- Solution found:
    |@@@   |    | ||
    |@|@|||| ||   ||
    |@||||||@|E@@  |
    |@| ||@|@@@@@|||
    |@| ||@||||||| |
    |@@@@@@        |

    Map 2 -- No solution found:
    |N  ||  E|
//this line here is meant to print a space when backtracking occurs
        // matrix[x][y] = ' ';   
        // return false;

Why don't you just uncomment it? 您为什么不取消注释呢? It solves your problem, but you have to add 'N' sign in start point manually after procedure as it replaces it with either '@' or ' ' (but it's easy). 它可以解决您的问题,但是您必须在过程之后手动在起点添加'N'标志,因为它会用'@'或''代替(但是很容易)。

FYI, setting the pointer to NULL (should be nullptr ) accomplishes nothing here. 仅供参考,将指针设置为NULL(应为nullptr )在这里什么也没做。 The input parameter matrix takes a copy of the pointer ("by-value"). 输入参数matrix获取指针的副本(“按值”)。

void delete_matrix(string *matrix, int rows)
    delete[] matrix; //delete the matrix
    matrix = NULL;   //set equal to null for no hanging pointers

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